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[VGC] Top 10 Real Life Pokemon Trainers 2015 [UPDATED]
Hey everyone just released my first video in a while and it's ridiculously long lol.

Check out the top 10 real life pokemon trainers here:

If you watch the video you can see their accomplishments as well as what everyone looks like so you can recognize them. However, if you just want to know the list here it is.

These are the top 10 Players in the US as of May 9th 2015:

1. Wolfe Glick
2. Collin Heier
3. Aaron Zhemg
4. David Mancuso
5. Zach Droegkamp
6. Ray Rizzo
7. Lybbert Brothers
8. Conan Thompson
9. Jeudy Azzarelli
10. Ashton Cox
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Messages In This Thread
Top 10 Real Life Pokemon Trainers 2015 [UPDATED] - by Justin - May 9, 2015, 12:17 PM
RE: Top 10 Real Life Pokemon Trainers - by Black117 - May 9, 2015, 08:40 PM
RE: Top 10 Real Life Pokemon Trainers - by JTizzle - May 15, 2015, 04:41 AM

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