![[Image: pokemon__salamence_by_mark331-d4m7on3.jpg]](http://orig03.deviantart.net/d0d3/f/2012/013/c/3/pokemon__salamence_by_mark331-d4m7on3.jpg)
![[Image: pokemon__salamence_by_mark331-d4m7on3.jpg]](http://orig03.deviantart.net/d0d3/f/2012/013/c/3/pokemon__salamence_by_mark331-d4m7on3.jpg)
Deviant Art by mark331
Despite lost its Mega Evolution with the new VGC 17 rule change, Salamence is a strong Dragon/Flying-type not to be underestimated. Base on its stats, Salamence lives up to its Pseudo-Legendary status with an overall base 600 and an offensive potential of 135 Atk / 110 SpA / 100 Spe. Aside its rival Garchomp, Salamence is the second fastest Dragon-type Pokemon in the format outpacing everything below base 100 speed. This is allows Salamence to fire fast STAB Draco Meteors and Fire-type attacks against its targets dealing heavy damage to them. Even from a defensive standpoint, Salamence it no slouch with a 95 HP / 80 Def / 80 SpDef with key resistances to Fire/Water/Grass-types, and the Intimidate ability to drop the Attack stats of both opponents by one stage.
Note everything is clear skies for the Pseudo-Legendary as it has to contend with the rise of powereful Fairy-types (aka the Tapus), fastest threats (Garchomp, Alolan Ninetales), and the potential surprise super effective hits as usual. Note the goal for Salamence when using it is to act as both an Intimidate buffer to Pokemon it can surely take hits while retaliate with strong Dragon STABs. That said, Salamence is still a viable Dragon-type of choice for the current format, though keep in mind its strengths and weaknesses.
![[Image: salamence.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen3/salamence.png)

Base Stats: 95 HP / 135 Attack / 80 Defense / 110 Special Attack / 80 Special Defense / 100 Speed



Abilitity: Intimdate - Reduces the target(s) attack by -1, or one stage.
Hidden Abilitity: Moxie - Raise Attack stat by one stage for every knock out.
Specs Attacker
![[Image: salamence.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen3/salamence.png)
![[Image: salamence.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen3/salamence.png)
Salamence @ Choice Specs
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 20 HP / 4 Def / 228 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe (Timid)
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk (or 31 if using EQ)
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- Dragon Pusle
- Hydro Pump / Earthquake
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 20 HP / 4 Def / 228 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe (Timid)
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk (or 31 if using EQ)
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- Dragon Pusle
- Hydro Pump / Earthquake
Good old Specs Salamence here. If anyone is wondering what's the set is meant to do, Specs Salamence is meant to act primary as a wall breaker and deal heavy damage to key targets such as Arcanine, Celesteela, Alolan Marowak, Gyarados, Garchomp, Pelipper, Torkoal, etc. With this Specs set, Salamence has enough coverage to hit most of the format with neutral coverage, though keep in mind what each move is meant for. STAB Specs Draco Meteor is the premier move of choice against any targets that's not resist or immune such as Steel- and Fairy-types. Any frail Pokemon without Focus Sash won't enjoy taking such STAB move from a base 110 SpA stat Salamence. If the -2 SpA drops is an issue, Dragon Pulse is decent STAB which can do moderate damage, though not exactly as strong as Draco Meteor.
For coverage moves, the choice of Fire-type move is up to Fire Blast or Flamethrower for Steel-, Bug-, Ice-, and Grass-types. Though Fire Blast is a stronger Fire-type move, it has the potential to miss while Flamethrower is a weak, but safe alternative. Though Hydro Pump is a strong Water-type STAB for Fire-, Water-, and Ground-type note it can miss as well. Though it seems weird to run on Specs, Earthquake is a nice surprise move to have for Electric-types like Alolan Raichu or Tapu Koko.
The EV Spread might look simple, it does allows Salamence to live a Life Orb Dragon Claw from Garchomp and a 6.3% chance for Specs Dazzling Gleam from Tapu Koko. Timid nature is used here let Salamence outspeed base 95 speed threats like Tapu Lele, Arcanine, or Silvally. Modest nature can be used for Salamence for greater damage output, though not the loss of the speed benchmark. In terms of its defense, Salamence's Intimidate ability allows it to live take physical hits even strong physical attacker like Tapu Bulu, Garchomp, Gyarados, etc.
Here's a list of offensive calculations to showcase Specs Salamence and show it can deal sizable damage against opposing Pokemon with Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Fire Coverage, and Dragon Pulse.
For coverage moves, the choice of Fire-type move is up to Fire Blast or Flamethrower for Steel-, Bug-, Ice-, and Grass-types. Though Fire Blast is a stronger Fire-type move, it has the potential to miss while Flamethrower is a weak, but safe alternative. Though Hydro Pump is a strong Water-type STAB for Fire-, Water-, and Ground-type note it can miss as well. Though it seems weird to run on Specs, Earthquake is a nice surprise move to have for Electric-types like Alolan Raichu or Tapu Koko.
The EV Spread might look simple, it does allows Salamence to live a Life Orb Dragon Claw from Garchomp and a 6.3% chance for Specs Dazzling Gleam from Tapu Koko. Timid nature is used here let Salamence outspeed base 95 speed threats like Tapu Lele, Arcanine, or Silvally. Modest nature can be used for Salamence for greater damage output, though not the loss of the speed benchmark. In terms of its defense, Salamence's Intimidate ability allows it to live take physical hits even strong physical attacker like Tapu Bulu, Garchomp, Gyarados, etc.
Here's a list of offensive calculations to showcase Specs Salamence and show it can deal sizable damage against opposing Pokemon with Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Fire Coverage, and Dragon Pulse.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs:
Dragonium Z User
![[Image: salamence.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen3/salamence.png)
![[Image: salamence.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen3/salamence.png)
Salamence @ Dragonium Z
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 52 HP / 4 Def / 196 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- Substitute / Roar / Dragon Pulse
- Protect
- Outspeeds base 95 tiers and speed ties at 100
- Takes a Life Orb Jolly Garchomp 100% of the time.
- Survives LO Dazzling Gleam or Thunderbolt from Tapu Koko 100% of the time.
- Can make four potential Substitutes with HP Value.
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 52 HP / 4 Def / 196 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- Substitute / Roar / Dragon Pulse
- Protect
- Outspeeds base 95 tiers and speed ties at 100
- Takes a Life Orb Jolly Garchomp 100% of the time.
- Survives LO Dazzling Gleam or Thunderbolt from Tapu Koko 100% of the time.
- Can make four potential Substitutes with HP Value.
Here we have a similar set akin to the Choice Specs Salamence from above with less damage output, though with the option to use its full moveset. Equipped with the Dragonium Z, Salamence essentially has "one" big nuke or heavy hit against one target. Unlike Dragon Gem Draco Meteor from gen 5 where the move itself will drop the user's Special Attack by -2, using Draco Meteor as the "base Z-Move" for Devastating Drake which now has 195 base power. Basically speaking its like having "one" Specs Draco Meteor ready to use, unless the user already has a -2 SpA drop from a previous attack without selecting a Z-Move. In short, this set allows Salamence to drop a Z-Move with the equivalent of a strong Specs Draco (mine everyone accurate), and have another one ready for use. To round out Salamence's coverage option, a Fire-type coverage like Flamethrower or Fire Blast can be use to hit Steel-, Grass-, Bug- and Ice-types Pokemon for SE damage.
The last slot is essentially up to the player's choice. For this set in particular, Substitute is a way to get good positioning with Salamence in attempt to "bluff" a potential attack from the opponent. If Salamence can attain a Substitute up successfully, it can easily scout for an opponent's attack with Protect to maintain the sub, or use the Sub itself as cover to fire a Devastating Drake or Draco Meteor against the opponent. Roar might seem like a weird move to have, though it useful in two ways. Like in single battling, Roar can be used to "phaze" targets who attempt any setup, or stop opposing Trick Room setup. Remember Trick Room has a negative priority of -7 while Roar is -6, meaning the Trick Room user will get switched out for a random partner. If neither option suffice, well Dragon Pusle can be opted once again, though try to explore some options as well for Mence.
The EVs here are similar to the above Salamence set, though with a bit of HP investment to if ever Salamence can setup 4 Substitutes. Note this set isn't much to deal massive damage, but attempt to get some kind of positioning going with Sub or Roar. That said the following damage calculations will feature only Devastating Drake, Draco Meteor, and Flamethrower.
Offensive Calcs
Potential Teammates include, but aren't limited to:
- Steel Types - Allows Salamence to to cover against essentially all its main weaknesses in Fairy, Rock, Dragon, and Rock. (Ex. Celesteela, Metagross, Magnezone, etc.)
- Fairy Types - Most appreciate the Intimdate support and can deal with opposing Dragon-types. (Ex. Tapu Koko/Lele/Fini, Klefki, Sylveon, etc.)
- Fire Types - Can take resisted Fairy-type hits while deal with opposing Steel- and Ice-type Pokemo (Ex. Arcanine, Alolan Marowak, Torkoal, Salazzle, Incineroar, etc)
- Electric Types - Needed to deal with opposing bulky Water-types with likely Ice Beam. ( Tapu Koko, Alolan Raichu, Magnezone, Togedemaru, etc. )
- "Defensive" Pokemon - Intimidate can be useful to augment their defensive capabilities ( Porygon2, Celesteela, Tapu Bulu, Milotic, Gastrodon, etc.)
- Fairy-types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Alolan Ninetales, Tapu Fini, Clefable, etc
- Ice-types such as Alolan Ninetales, Weavile, Lapras, Vanilluxe, Alolan Sandslash, etc.
- Rock-types such as Gigalith, Nihilego, Alolan Golem, etc.
- Coverage Moves consisting of Ice-, Dragon, Rock-, and Fairy-type moves.
- Trick Room.
- Powerful Special Attacks.
Other Notable Options
- Dragon Dance set with Moxie is potentially viable, though lacks a strong STAB to abuse like from its Mega
- Yache / Haban / Roseli / Charti Berry reduce the damage of any Ice-, Dragon-, Fairy, or Rock-type attacks.
- Choice Scarf set ( Modest 236 EV) can outspeed Max Speed Pheromosa
Alright then, hopefully this suffice so will start getting sets up for this forum. Try out Salamence and don't worry if there's any deviations from it if you feel like it.