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[VGC] [VGC] Krookodile Physical Attacker / Support
[Image: krookodile_used_sandstorm_by_salanchu-d4y6n77.png]
Credit to salanchu

Krookodile has a lot going for it in VGC 2017: the red croc has a respectable attack stat and settles into a decent speed tier, allowing it to throw strong Ground and Dark type STAB attacks around while it uses its stellar ability, Intimidate, to drop your foe's Attack. Said ability also allows Krookdile to serve a bulkier, supportive role with moves such as Taunt, Snarl, Bulldoze, and even Dragon Tail. Yet Krookodile is not safe everywhere - even with a few valuable immunities in Electric and Psychic, its still got to look out for the Fairy and Water types running around the scene. And while 92 speed isn't terrible, it won't be winning every race. But pair it with the proper partners, and Krookodile can shine in numerous situations.

[Image: krookodile.png]

Type: Ground Dark

Base Stats: 95 HP / 117 Attack / 80 Defense / 65 Special Attack / 70 Special Defense / 92 Speed

Weaknesses: Water x2 Grass x2 Ice x2 Fighting x2 Bug x2 Fairy x2

Resistances: Poison x0.5 Rock x0.5 Ghost x0.5 Dark x0.5

Immunities: Electric Psychic

Intimidate: The Pokémon intimidates opposing Pokémon upon entering battle, lowering their Attack stat. Pokémon with the Clear Body, Hyper Cutter, or White Smoke ability are unaffected.
Moxie: The Pokémon shows moxie, and that boosts the Attack stat after knocking out any Pokémon.
Hidden Ability - Anger Point: The Pokémon is angered when it takes a critical hit, and that maxes its Attack stat.

Physical Attacker

[Image: krookodile.png]

Krookodile @ Groundium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Taunt / Rock Slide
- Protect / Taunt

Max attack investment allows Krookodile to pack as much of a punch as possible, OHKOing or outspeed and 2HKOing many threats. Groundium Z is the most common item choice, providing Krookodile with a powerful nuke. Though if you're looking for more power all around, a Life Orb is a viable option as well. Intimidate is the preferred ability choice, and it allows Krookodile not only to take more physical hits (such as a -1 Gyarados Waterfall), but also provide support to its team. 

While running a Moxie set may be tempting, in most cases, Garchomp is the preferred choice over Krookodile for sets going for raw power. Garchomp packs a higher Attack stat, higher Speed, and more general bulk than Krookodile. The croc's main benefit is the stellar Intimidate ability, allowing it to support its teammates just by switching in. Krookodile also has a safer secondary STAB in the Dark type, along with more support options such as Taunt. However, Garchomp also gets Poison Jab to deal with Fairy types, which Krookodile struggles with. Other considerations include Garchomp's lack of grass weakness (vs Kartana), Krookodile's Psychic immunity and 2x weakness to ice as opposed to Garchomp's 4x.

Getting back to the set, Earthquake and Crunch are Krookodile's two most powerful attacks, and should be used to put dents in the opposing team. The choice between the two depends on what you're trying to hit and your partner situation, as Earthquake hits everything on the field. Taunt is great for stopping opposing mons from setting up or stalling via status or other passive tactics. Rock Slide is another option in this slot to hit Flying, Bug, and Ice types or go for a flinch chance. Protect is generally your best bet for the last slot, though if you feel you don't need it, Taunt can go here as well.

Damage Calculations:


252 Atk Krookodile Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko in Electric Terrain: 134-162 (91.7 - 110.9%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Krookodile Tectonic Rage (180 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko: 326-386 (223.2 - 264.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Krookodile Earthquake vs. 236 HP / 12 Def Tapu Koko in Electric Terrain: 134-158 (76.5 - 90.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Krookodile Tectonic Rage (180 BP) vs. 236 HP / 12 Def Tapu Koko: 320-380 (182.8 - 217.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Krookodile Earthquake vs. 236 HP / 12 Def Tapu Koko in Electric Terrain: 174-205 (99.4 - 117.1%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Krookodile Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko in Electric Terrain: 174-211 (119.1 - 144.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Krookodile Tectonic Rage (180 BP) vs. 164 HP / 92 Def Tapu Lele: 160-190 (96.3 - 114.4%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Krookodile Crunch vs. 164 HP / 92 Def Tapu Lele: 72-85 (43.3 - 51.2%) -- 6.3% chance to 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Krookodile Crunch vs. 164 HP / 92 Def Tapu Lele: 94-110 (56.6 - 66.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 Atk Krookodile Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Gyarados: 72-86 (42.3 - 50.5%) -- 2% chance to 2HKO
-1 252 Atk Krookodile Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Gyarados: 48-58 (28.2 - 34.1%) -- 1.1% chance to 3HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Krookodile Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Gyarados: 94-112 (55.2 - 65.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
-1 252 Atk Life Orb Krookodile Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Gyarados: 62-75 (36.4 - 44.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

-1 252 Atk Krookodile Tectonic Rage (180 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arcanine: 228-270 (115.7 - 137%) -- guaranteed OHKO
-1 252 Atk Krookodile Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arcanine: 96-114 (48.7 - 57.8%) -- 21.5% chance to 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
-1 252 Atk Life Orb Krookodile Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arcanine: 125-148 (63.4 - 75.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
252 Atk Life Orb Krookodile Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arcanine: 187-221 (94.9 - 112.1%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO

252 Atk Krookodile Tectonic Rage (180 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Marowak-Alola: 264-312 (158 - 186.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Krookodile Crunch vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Marowak-Alola: 116-140 (69.4 - 83.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Krookodile Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Marowak-Alola: 108-128 (64.6 - 76.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Krookodile Crunch vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Marowak-Alola: 151-182 (90.4 - 108.9%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Krookodile Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Marowak-Alola: 140-166 (83.8 - 99.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 Atk Krookodile Tectonic Rage (180 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Muk-Alola: 360-426 (169.8 - 200.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Krookodile Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Muk-Alola: 152-180 (71.6 - 84.9%) -- 84% chance to 2HKO after Gluttony Figy Berry recovery
252 Atk Life Orb Krookodile Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Muk-Alola: 198-234 (93.3 - 110.3%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO

252 Atk Krookodile Tectonic Rage (180 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Kartana: 114-135 (84.4 - 100%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

252 Atk Krookodile Tectonic Rage (180 BP) vs. 244 HP / 92 Def Eviolite Porygon2: 94-112 (49.2 - 58.6%) -- 98.8% chance to 2HKO

252 Atk Krookodile Tectonic Rage (180 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Garchomp: 150-177 (81.9 - 96.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


28 SpA Tapu Koko Dazzling Gleam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Krookodile: 90-108 (52.9 - 63.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Dazzling Gleam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Krookodile: 140-166 (82.3 - 97.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Tapu Lele Dazzling Gleam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Krookodile: 150-176 (88.2 - 103.5%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Tapu Lele Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Krookodile: 236-278 (138.8 - 163.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Drop All the Stats

[Image: krookodile.png]

Krookodile @ Sitrus Berry / Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 204 HP / 52 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Snarl
- Bulldoze / Earthquake
- Taunt / Dragon Tail
- Protect

This EV spread allows Krookodile to tank more hits, even being able to survive an unboosted Waterfall from Gyarados and reliably live a -1 Kartana Leaf Blade. This set can also outspeed neutral nature Tapu Lele and Snarl it, allowing it to survive a -1 Moonblast. The large health boost of a Sitrus berry is generally preferred over the slower Leftovers, which are generally best saved for more tank oriented Pokémon anyway. A spread of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe is also perfectly viable.

The main goal of this set is to lower your opponent's stats so Krookodile's partners can shine all the brighter, as the EV spread and lack of boosting item means Krookodile won't be doing a lot of damage on its own. Intimidate lowers Attack, Snarl lowers Special Attack, and Bulldoze lowers Speed. Though if you're getting your speed control from somewhere else, or don't want to risk lowering your own partner's Speed, Earthquake can be run to do a bit more damage. As with the previous set Taunt can be used to prevent set up or status, though Dragon Tail is another alternative to simply phase enemies out.

Damage Calculations:


-1 252+ Atk Gyarados Waterfall vs. 204 HP / 52 Def Krookodile: 110-132 (56.1 - 67.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Gyarados Waterfall vs. 204 HP / 52 Def Krookodile: 164-194 (83.6 - 98.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-1 4 Atk Kartana Leaf Blade vs. 204 HP / 52 Def Krookodile: 128-152 (65.3 - 77.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
-1 252 Atk Kartana Leaf Blade vs. 204 HP / 52 Def Krookodile: 150-176 (76.5 - 89.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Tapu Lele Dazzling Gleam vs. 204 HP / 0 SpD Krookodile: 152-180 (77.5 - 91.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Tapu Lele Moonblast vs. 204 HP / 0 SpD Krookodile: 236-282 (120.4 - 143.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
-1 252+ SpA Tapu Lele Dazzling Gleam vs. 204 HP / 0 SpD Krookodile: 102-120 (52 - 61.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
-1 252+ SpA Tapu Lele Moonblast vs. 204 HP / 0 SpD Krookodile: 158-188 (80.6 - 95.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-1 180 Atk Celesteela Heavy Slam (120 BP) vs. 204 HP / 52 Def Krookodile: 61-73 (31.1 - 37.2%) -- 84.4% chance to 3HKO
-1 180 Atk Celesteela Seed Bomb vs. 204 HP / 52 Def Krookodile: 56-66 (28.5 - 33.6%) -- 0.2% chance to 3HKO
180 Atk Celesteela Heavy Slam (120 BP) vs. 204 HP / 52 Def Krookodile: 93-109 (47.4 - 55.6%) -- 75.8% chance to 2HKO
180 Atk Celesteela Heavy Slam (120 BP) vs. 204 HP / 52 Def Krookodile: 93-109 (47.4 - 55.6%) -- 75.8% chance to 2HKO

Potential Teammates include, but aren't limited to;
  • Flying types like Celesteela, Gyarados, and Pelliper are immune to Krookodile's Earthquake or Bulldoze and appreciate its ability to take on Electric and Rock types, and also Fire types for Celesteela
  • Tapu Lele likes Krookodile's Intimidate support and ability to take on Ghost and Steel types
  • Grass types resist Krookodile's Ground STAB and can take on scary Water types for it. Electric types can also do that, but be sure they're packing Protect
  • Fairy types like that Krookodile can take on Steel types and Fire types
  • Ghost types appreciate Krookodile's ability to take on other Ghosts.
  • Frailer Pokémon never complain about Intimidate and/or Snarl support
  • Set up based teams can benefit from Krookodile's Intimidate and Taunt support

Threats include, but aren't limited to;
  • Water types, especially in Rain teams, (Pelliper, Golduck, Araquanid) can generally tank a neutral hit from Krookodile and wreck it with their STAB.
  • Opposing Intimidate user Gyarados beats Krookodile handily, and even Arcanine can hinder it.
  • Grass types like Kartana and Tapu Bulu
  • Fairy types like Tapu Lele and Tapu Fini
  • Ice types like Alolan-Ninetales and Alolan-Sandslash
  • Fighting types like Hariyama and Crabominable

Other Notable Moves
  • Pursuit can be used if you're a master predictor, but has less reliable damage
  • Roar can be used over Dragon Tail to guarantee a phase on Fairy types at the cost of chip damage
  • The defensive set can use Foul Play to turn your opponent's Attack against them
  • Swagger can be used to confuse your foes, but defeats the point of Intimidate in most cases
  • Power Trip along with Bulk Up or Hone Claws can be used if you want a cute gimmick

Other Notable Items
  • Assault Vest is another item that's getting a lot of usage, though you have to forego Taunt and Protect
  • A Choice Scarf allows Krookodile to outspeed a lot more Pokémon, at the cost of being unable to switch moves.
  • A Choice Band adds more power, but presents the same problems as a Scarf.

Umm your spreads are wasting some EVs, 4 in the first set and 12 in the second. There is absolutely no reason not to run max speed in the first set considering it is 4 EVs that is the difference between you speed tieing with opposing Krookodiles and getting guaranteed outsped and its not like those 4 EVs were affecting any calcs. In this case you're honestly better odd with just a 252, 252 spread, unless you're calcing for a particular defensive benchmark to hit. For example, 60 EVs in sp.def can guarantee survival against a Modest LO Koko's Dazzling Gleam 94% of the time.

I feel the fact that Groundium Z is the most common item on Krook (almost more than double the usage of all of the items in your sets added together) should justify a set of its own, or at least slash it on the LO set and add a separate set of calcs with LO and with Z-Earthquake.

I would also say the write up could use a comparison to Garchomp considering during teambuilding they often contest for a slot as the teams fast Ground type. There's plenty to talk about, for example Garchomp's higher speed, higher bulk, higher damage, lack of grass weakness for the Kartana matchup and access to Poison Jab, compared to Krook's far superior ability, more spammable secondary STAB option, Psychic immunity, lack of a 4x weakness and access to Taunt.
All valid points. I was only thinking about other Pokemon and totally spacing on opposing Krookodile, thanks for the reminder. Definitely still learning. 

I changed Groudium Z to the primary item with a Life Orb slash and updated the calcs, as the two sets function very similarly. I also added a Garchomp comparison paragraph to said set.
Why jolly and not adamant in the first set?
Mostly to speed tie other max speed Krookodile.
(Jan 26, 2017, 11:08 AM)Sir Daniel Wrote: Why jolly and not adamant in the first set?

also outspeeds modest Tapu Lele

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