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Will Justin ever resume streaming reguraly?
Will he always be on and off with streams or will he ever return to a similar schedule he had many months ago?
First off Justin has been having health issues lately concerning his own heart condition (forgot exactly what but the acronym is ASD) which makes causes "crippling fatigue" throughout the body as a result. You can read about this condition at the announcement page since this is one of the many factors Justin hasn't been streaming. On top of that, Justin has just recently moved to a new place and is in the middle of unpacking. Considering his condition, Justin should probably work out his own personal matter first before he starts streaming again. If you want Panda_Desu you could message him on Twitter and ask. Pretty sure Justin will respond.
Im sure Justin will be back soon. He just moved and like Kiev said is taking care of personal problems first.
"Oh good, he isn't mod anymore"


Justin does want to keep streaming, but hospital bills in the US are costly. Who knows when he will end up getting the money for his operation. It could be a while :/
Right now all we can do is wish the best for Justin, his condition is fixable but like abrupt said its costly, also hes currently at his new home but he has to get settled and get his internet up and running, not sure when he'll be back but hey we've always got the summer time :P
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
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Hope the best for him because he has all kinds of stuff going on.
It's horrible because I know how much he genuinely loves to stream.

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