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Your favorite pokemon from each type?
so guys you always see people asking what's your favorite pokemon, i want to make this a little bit more complicated
what is your favorite pokemon from each type, because currently your favorite pokemon can only have 2 types what about the other types if there is any pokemon you guys like it more than the other of the same type Post here

one of your favorite can be the same between two types (like gardevoir and gengar are on mine)
no need for reasons otherwise this post will be gigantic, but if you wanna share some of them go ahead
if you want, mark what is your favorite between all pokemon

For me this is it:

Normal: Jigglypuff
Fighting: Primeape
Flying: Swellow
Poison: Gengar
Bug: Heracross
Ghost: Gengar (my favorite overall)
Steel: Metagross
Fire: Blaziken
Water: Squirtle
Grass: Breloom
Electric: Zapdos
Psychic: Gardevoir
Ice: Vanilluxe (lol)
Dragon: Salamence
Dark: Sableye
Fairy: Gardevoir
Rock: Onix
Ground: Flygon
Normal: Larvitar
Fighting: Conkeldurr
Flying: Rufflet
Poison: Toxicroak
Bug: Scizor
Ghost: Drifblim (wait is he ghost)
Steel: Steelix
Fire: Chandelure
Water: Poliwhirl
Let me think.... I guess if I had to I'd choose these!
Normal: Meloetta
Fighting: Lucario
Flying: Pidgeot
Poison: Roselia
Bug: Volcarona
Ghost: Mismagius or Banette
Steel: Mawile
Fire: Vulpix (My overall favorite)
Water: Kingdra
Grass: Leafeon
Electric: Mareep
Psychic: Mew
Ice: Aurorus
Dragon: Latias
Dark: Umbreon
Fairy: Gardevoir
Rock: Omanyte (Praise Lord Helix!)
Ground: Sandshrew
Normal: Snorlax
Fire: Volcanora
Water: Gastrodon (Have yet to have one in a game though...)
Grass: Breloom
Electric: Ampharos (My favorite overall)
Ice: Froslass
Fighting: Scrafty
Poison: Gengar
Ground: Flygon
Flying: Togekiss
Psychic: Gardevoir
Bug: Volcanora
Rock: Tyrantrum
Ghost: Trevanant
Dragon: Mega Ampharos (Goodra as a non-mega)
Dark: Scrafty
Steel: Lucario
Fairy: Togekiss
Normal: Porygon-Z
Fire: Magmortar
Water: Blastoise
Electric: Manetric
Psychic: Espeon
Ice: Delibird
Fairy: NONE
Rock: Terrakion
Grass: Venasaur
Steel: Registeel
Flying: Staraptor
Dragon: Haxorus
Dark: Darkrai
Poison: Gengar
Ghost: Bannette
Fighting: Blaziken
Bug: Volcarona
Normal: Eevee
Fighting: Croagunk
Flying: Tropius
Poison: Dragalge
Bug: Shedinja
Ghost: Jellicent
Steel: Probopass
Fire: Chandelure
Water: Omanyte
Grass: Simisage
Electric: Rotom
Psychic: Slowpoke
Ice: Vanilluxe
Dragon: Altaria
Dark: Hydreigon
Fairy: Slurpuff
Rock: Crustle
Ground: Flygon
Normal: Porygon-Z
Fighting: Toxicroak
Flying: Pidgeot
Poison: Venusaur
Bug: Armaldo
Ghost: Spiritomb
Steel: Escavalier
Fire: Flareon
Water: Samurott
Grass: Cradily
Electric: Manectric
Psychic: Reuniclus
Ice: Walrein
Dragon: Flygon
Dark: Hydreigon
Fairy: Granbull
Rock: Archeops
Ground: Torterra
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Normal: Swellow
Fighting: Blaziken
Flying: Crobat
Poison: Crobat
Bug: Pinsir
Ghost: Aegislash
Steel: Metagross
Fire: Blaziken
Water: Seismitoad (TCG has tainted me)
Grass: Grovyle
Electric: Electivire
Psychic: Espurr
Ice: Delibird (because lol)
Dragon: The Doctor Goom!
Dark: Greninja
Fairy: Dedenne
Rock: Aerodactyl
Ground: Torterra
Put the first 3 in overall favorites, then gave up on the rest. Too hard to decide.

Grass: Snivy
Normal: Eevee
Steel: Mawile

Psychic: Celebi
Rock: Diancie
Fighting: Meloetta
Dragon: Latias
Dark: Umbreon* (Mostly when shiny)
Fire: Ho-Oh
Water: Milotic
Flying: Altaria
Poison: Ivysaur
Electric: Mareep
Ground: Flygon
Ice: Glacion
Bug: Shuckle
Ghost: Giratina
Fairy: Gardevoir
Normal: Meloetta
Fighting: Riolu
Flying: Fan Rotom
Poison: Roselia
Bug: Shuckle
Ghost: Litwick
Steel: Jirachi
Fire: Fennekin
Water: Piplup
Grass: Shaymin
Electric: Plusle
Psychic: Wynaut
Ice: Snover
Dragon: Goomy
Dark: Zorua
Fairy: Gardevoir
Ground: Torterra

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