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need help
My thread got accidentally erased I've been looking for a shiny Eevee for 4 months it's driving me insane can somebody help me
Reeves is next on my shiny breeding list. I can have one for you by next weekend Smile
(Mar 19, 2016, 12:32 PM)Oddish 4 ever Wrote: Reeves is next on my shiny breeding list. I can have one for you by next weekend Smile reevees?
Reevees? Huh
Eevee, sorry, that's what spell check changed it to :D :D
Sweet that would be awesome and if you have a shiny Squirtle that'd be awesome too
@haypay14 I could save oddish the trouble and give you one now if you like. I unfortualny do not have a shiny Squirtle for trade but am willing to trade you a shiny Eevee Smile
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
I added u glace the code is correct right I'm ready whenever you are
I typed in your friend code just waiting for you IDs is open and ready
Or if anybody can help me my 3DS is open my friend code is

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