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sandragon13's Trading Post
Greetings, everyone.  As a trader, my primary interests are shinies, preferably in their basic/lowest form, and/or Pokemon with their Hidden Ability.  I figure the best way to determine who I'd be interested in is to list what I DO have, and anything not listed would be worth considering.

I have the following Pokemon Shiny:  Note:  They are listed by the Generation in which they were obtained.  Click each name to see each Pokemon's full details.  IN PROGRESS
Gen 3:  Solrock, Vulpix, Aron, Teddiursa,
Gen 4:  Kricketot, Totodile, Gastrodon, Gastrodon, Gyarados (x2), Shiftry, Geodude, Clamperl, Zubat, Scizor, Beldum, Swinub, Magby, Oddish, Tentacool, Pidgey, Steelix, Rattata, Drapion, Bidoof, Tyranitar, Mudkip, Ralts,
Gen 5:  
Gen 6:  Skrelp,

Kricketot, Totodile, Solrock, Gastrodon, Croagunk, Gyarados (x2), Shiftry, Geodude (x4), Clamperl, Zubat, Scizor, Vulpix (x2), Aron, Beldum, Swinub, Magby, Oddish, Tentacool, Skrelp, Pidgey, Steelix, Rattata, Drapion, Bidoof, Tyranitar, Teddiursa, Mudkip, Ralts, Wurmple, Floatzel, Starly, Aipom, Bellsprout, Alakazam, Absol, Drifloon, Cacturne, Duskull, Kabuto, Dugtrio, Gastly, Poochyena, Quagsire, Chansey, Togekiss, Spearow, Growlithe, Butterfree, Ponyta, Houndoom, Charmander, Mr. Mime, Hitmonlee, Claydol, Magnezone, Roserade, Clefable, Manectric, Flygon, Pichu, Lickitung, Goldeen, Vanillite (x2), Wingull (x2), Slowpoke, Nidoran (F), Plusle, Larvesta, Audino, Dratini, Tynamo, Sewaddle, Litwick, Woobat, Dwebble, Haxorus, Druddigon, Foongus (x3), Luxray, Rapidash, Mienshao, Honchkrow, Nosepass, Gengar (x2), Zebstrika, Frogadier, Ditto, Aromatisse, Spinda, Shuppet, Rotom, Durant (x2), Lilligant, Mime Jr (x2), Murkrow (x2), Whismur, Swirlix, Gigalith, Scyther, Banette, Forretress

I have the following Pokemon with their Hidden Ability:  [listed by earliest stage capable of breeding]

Abra, Absol, Aerodactyl, Aipom, Alomomola, Aron, Audino, Axew
Bagon, Barboach, Basculin, Beldum, Bellsprout, Bergmite, Bidoof, Binacle, Blitzle, Boufallant, Bronzor, Buizel, Bulbasaur, Bunnelby
Cacnea, Carbink, Carvanha, Cascoon, Caterpie, Chansey, Charmander, Chespin, Chimchar, Chikorita, Chinchou, Clamperl, Clefairy, Corphish, Croagunk, Cubchoo, Cubone, Cyndaquil
Darumaka, Deerling, Diglett, Ditto, Doduo, Dratini, Drifloon, Drilbur, Drowzee, Druddigon, Ducklett, Dunsparce, Durant, Duskull, Dwebble
Eevee, Ekans, Electabuzz, Electrike, Elgyem, Emolga, Espurr, Exeggcute
Farfetch'd, Feebas, Fennekin, Finneon, Flabebe, Fletchling, Foongus, Frillish, Froakie
Geodude, Gible, Girafarig, Glameow, Gligar, Golett, Goomy, Gothita, Growlithe, Gulpin
Hawlucha, Heatmor, Heracross, Hippopotas, Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee/Hitmontop, Hoothoot, Hoppip, Horsea, Houndour
Jigglypuff, Joltik, Jynx
Kabuto, Kangaskhan, Karrablast, Kecleon, Klefki, Klink, Krabby, Kricketot
Lapras, Larvesta, Larvitar, Ledyba, Lickitung, Lileep, Litleo, Litwick, Lotad, Lucario, Luvdisc
Machop, Magikarp, Magmar, Magnemite, Makuhita, Mankey, Mantine, Maractus, Mareep, Marill, Mawile, Meditite, Meowth, Mienfoo, Miltank, Minccino, Minun, Mr. Mime, Mudkip, Munna, Murkrow
Natu, Nidoran (F ), Nidoran (M ) Nincada, Noibat, Numel
Oddish, Onix, Oshawott
Pachirisu, Pancham, Panpour, Pansage, Pansear, Paras, Petlil, Phanpy, Phantump, Pidgey, Pidove, Pikachu, Pineco, Pinsir, Piplup, Plusle, Poliwag, Ponyta, Poochyena, Porygon, Psyduck, Pumpkaboo (Average), Pumpkaboo (SuperSize), Purrloin
Ralts, Rattata, Relicanth, Remoraid, Rhyhorn, Roggenrola, Roselia, Rufflet
Sableye, Sandile, Sandshrew, Sawk, Scatterbug, Scraggy, Scyther, Seedot, Seel, Sentret, Seviper, Sewaddle, Shelder, Shellos, Shelmet, Shinx, Shroomish, Shuckle, Shuppet, Sigilyph, Silcoon, Skarmory, Skiddo, Skitty, Skorupi, Skrelp, Slowpoke, Slugma, Smeargle, Sneasel, Snivy, Snorlax, Snorunt, Snover, Solosis, Spearow, Spheal, Spinarak, Spinda, Spiritomb, Spoink, Squirtle, Stantler, Starly, Staryu, Stunky, Sudowoodo, Sunkern, Surskit, Swablu, Swinub, Swirlix
Taillow, Tangela, Tauros, Teddiursa, Tentacool, Tepig, Throh, Timburr, Tirtouga, Togetic, Torkoal, Torchic, Totodile, Trapinch, Treecko, Tropius, Trubbish, Turtwig, Tyrunt
Vanillite, Venipede, Venonat, Volbeat, Voltorb, Vullaby, Vulpix
Wailmer, Weedle, Whismur, Wingull, Woobat, Wooper
Zangoose, Zigzagoon, Zubat

If you have any thing to offer, I have all kinds of legendaries to trade.  Shiny-for-shiny and HA-for-HA is generally how these things work out, for the sake of fairness.

What legendaries do u have?
Would you trade your HA bulbasaur for a HA bagon?
(Dec 6, 2014, 04:16 AM)Crimzonz Wrote: What legendaries do u have?

Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Mew, Deoxys, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Celebi, Jirachi, Ho-oh, Lugia, Coballion, Virizion, Terrakion, Keldeo, Phione, Manaphy, Arceus, Regigigas, Dialga, Palkia, Cresselia, Darkrai, Giratina, Genesect, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Heatran, Diancie, Shaymin, Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Latias, Latios, Kyurem, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, basically everything.

(Dec 6, 2014, 04:36 AM)PokeMax Wrote: Would you trade your HA bulbasaur for a HA bagon?

Certainly, that would be fine. Is male OK, or should I shoot for a female?

@sandragon13 i would want a ditto want do u want for it
(Dec 6, 2014, 04:36 AM)PokeMax Wrote: Would you trade your HA bulbasaur for a HA bagon?

Certainly, that would be fine.  Is male OK, or should I shoot for a female?


Preferably a female so i could breed it , my bagon is female as well
Do you accept normal shinies for legendaries?
May I ask about the natures and abilities of these shinies

Teddiursa, vulpix, poochyena, absol, growlithe, Roserade, and litwick? I've been looking for good ones to use
(Dec 6, 2014, 08:41 AM)PokeMax Wrote:
(Dec 6, 2014, 04:36 AM)PokeMax Wrote: Would you trade your HA bulbasaur for a HA bagon?

Certainly, that would be fine.  Is male OK, or should I shoot for a female?


Preferably a female so i could breed it , my bagon is female as well

No problem, I'll get started on that at the earliest chance I get.

(Dec 6, 2014, 08:43 AM)Crimzonz Wrote: Do you accept normal shinies for legendaries?

Sure, if the price is right.

(Dec 6, 2014, 11:29 AM)Xkatattack777 Wrote: May I ask about the natures and abilities of these shinies

Teddiursa, vulpix, poochyena, absol, growlithe, Roserade, and litwick? I've been looking for good ones to use

Teddiursa: Relaxed, Pickup. Vulpix: Gentle, Flash Fire. Absol: Impish, Pressure. Poochyena: Gentle, Run Away. Growlithe: Calm, Flash Fire. Roserade: Naive, Natural Cure. Litwick: Sassy, Flame Body.

Also, @xXJettadiaXx, I got more HA Ditto. I'd want a HA Pokemon I don't have in return.

What are you willing to give up for a 5IV HA Ralts...If anything :D

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