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[S/M] Haruna's Abandon Thrifty Megamart - Printable Version

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RE: Haruna's Abandon Thrifty Megamart - tikrit - Dec 22, 2016

hey @Haruna , would you like to have a swift swim psyduck?(has encore have male 5iv not sure about female)

im looking for a jolly mimikyu at the moment

RE: Haruna's Abandon Thrifty Megamart - Haruna - Dec 22, 2016

@tikrit Already got a psyduck breedject in my breeding queue.

RE: Haruna's Abandon Thrifty Megamart - Arctero - Dec 22, 2016


I'm interested in a HA poliwag and a pikipek with skill link.
To offe I have:

Bounsweet 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Jolly nature
-Play rough

Snorlax xx/31/31/xx/31/31
Thick fat
careful nature

Growlithe 31/31/xx/31/31/31
impish nature
-morning sun

Cubone 31/31/xx/31/31/xx
lightning rod
adamant nature
- ancient power
- iron head

Let me know if you're interested.

RE: Haruna's Abandon Thrifty Megamart - Haruna - Dec 22, 2016

@Arctero Already got bounsweet and snorlax breedjects for my breeding queue. Growlithe and Cubone are already in my offer list.

RE: Haruna's Abandon Thrifty Megamart - Eugenio - Dec 22, 2016


Would I be able to trade a 5 IV Naughty Nature Strong Jaw Bruxish (Male) for a Male Drampa?

Would I be able to trade a 5 IV Jolly Nature Hidden Ability Geodude (Female) for a Male Turtonator?

RE: Haruna's Abandon Thrifty Megamart - Haruna - Dec 22, 2016

@Eugenio Already got a Bruxish and Geodude breedjects for the breeding queue. I really need to make a list on what breedjects I already recieved here.  Idea

RE: Haruna's Abandon Thrifty Megamart - Murkus - Dec 22, 2016

I would love a HA rough skin Gible

I can offer you a 6IV level 1 male salandit or maybe a 5IV sans attack Meciless Mareanie?

RE: Haruna's Abandon Thrifty Megamart - Haruna - Dec 22, 2016

@Murkus I already have Salandit and Mareanie breedjects if you didn't open the Alolan Veriants spoiler tab.

RE: Haruna's Abandon Thrifty Megamart - Jebedex - Dec 22, 2016

I am interested in your HA Poliwag and HA Fomantis. Would you be interested in:
Pichu with Fake Out, Encore
Popplio with Aqua Ring, Amnesia, Wonder Room, Perish Song
Growlithe with Burn Up, Heat Wave, Close Combat, Morning Sun
Wimpod with Aqua Jet, Wide Guard
Roggenrola with Wide Guard, Heavy Slam
Grimer with Shadow Sneak and any ability you would like
Torkoal with Eruption
Wingull with Wide Guard
Passimian with Iron Head
Stufful with Thunderpunch, Ice Punch, Wide Guard, Stomping Tantrum

RE: Haruna's Abandon Thrifty Megamart - Haruna - Dec 22, 2016


Most of your offers are already in my trade list. For the rest, I already got breedjects ready for my breeding queue.