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[REQUEST] Mew Event Serial Code [Closed]
I'm also looking for one. My nearest GameStop is 3 hours away. I'm not willing to spend 6 hours driving to gamestop for a mew. It would be nice if you could trade me a mew.
Hey, I need a mew too. Nowhere near a Gamestop, if somone could PM me a serial code that would be great, thanks!
Even if you have two games, they will still only give you one per day. That doesn't keep you from getting another code from another gamestop though, and sometimes they'll give you more than one.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
Hey you still got that hoopa I want. I have an extra Mew for ya. I ended up getting 3 today : ]
@Pokélander I still have a spare Hoopa from Mcdonals Event. Did you already redeem them?
"Two possibilities exist:

Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.

Both are equally terrifying."
Arthur C. Clarke

1 currently unredeemed, but Im waiting to hear back from bam who said he has a free one for me. I might do a giveaway for this one. From what Tharsin said you cannot list these mews on the Gts.
Yep, i have tried listing on GTS, but no go.
@Pokélander You got it from Gamestop right? I won't be able to redeem one for my 3DS since these events are region locked. I would be able to just trade you the Hoopa If you have it redeemed.
"Two possibilities exist:

Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.

Both are equally terrifying."
Arthur C. Clarke

(Feb 1, 2016, 11:21 PM)AurisxD Wrote: @Pokélander You got it from Gamestop right? I won't be able to redeem one for my 3DS since these events are region locked. I would be able to just trade you the Hoopa If you have it redeemed.

I have redeemed it already and it is ready to be traded @AurisxD
@Tharsin Adding your FC and going online.
"Two possibilities exist:

Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.

Both are equally terrifying."
Arthur C. Clarke

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