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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Justin's Health problems and what not.
(Jun 15, 2015, 10:45 PM)Wildcat0017 Wrote: Been watching your replay stream everyday. There is probably not a battle I haven't memorized yet, but I'm still entertained. Take your time to get back, we'll all still be here, and we'll all be happy to see you. Get better.

Same here but been mia lately. Hope all is well Justin as well as the community too :3 Stay chill or if it's cold or rainy stay dry folks!
Sorry to hear that Justin. But I'm sure you'll get better. As for the content, don't worry, health is more important and we understand that. Take care of yourself and you'll be back stronger than ever.
Justin sorry to hear all this, hope you get better soon!
good luck man, i hope it turns out okay
My thoughts and prayers go out to you Justin. I hope you can overcome this problem soon and get better. You are one of the most coolest and nicest streamers out there, and got people like me into competitive Pokemon. You have done so much for me that its too much to say on here.
Pokemon trainer since 2004!
You have good enough mods on this forum to just worry about you. Way to go on keeping youtube videos coming semi regularly with such a serious health problem. In the end though, watching after your health is more important than appeasing the internet's unwashed masses ;D
Well I for one feel a little ashamed of myself for not seeing this thread sooner.
I have only been a member of the site for about a week, and I just found this out.

Dear Justin,
I have often wondered if anyone else in the online community of broadcasters and semi famous have had problems like my own. Though I do not share your heart problem, I do share a sympathy for your unease. For several years I have fought through intense chronic pain, muscle spasms, migraines, and even addiction. In a sense of well being I would like to wish you all the best, and though I am not a religious man, I will pray, focus, and even send healing energy your way. On another note, Criss Angel is also struggling with some things and had to cancel his shows in Vegas for a while because his son is quite ill. Many of the people I follow over social media, (famous or not), seem to be burdened with serious health issues as of late. To be honest I have not even heard of you until quite recently, but have watched a few videos lately. Now as far as your condition goes, (and your funds), if there are any problems seeking medical help, I would hope that if necessary you at least ask your followers for help, be it money, emotional support, or what have you.

Nonetheless, Justin, here's to you, and hopefully an outcome that will prove effective
Best Regards,
Jesse Michael Paad
Don't worry! Take the time you need to get better. We're all here for you and want to see you happy and healthy, that's top priority! I hope for a speedy recovery, get well soon!
I was looking for a different thread and came across this one, after i read your original post i thought to myself how did i miss this? Regardless, as so many others have said i can only echo that it pains me to hear youre having such a rough time @Justin i know ive only been a recent member here on the forum but ive watched a lot of your YT videos and lurked in a few of your broadcasts and i absolutely love your content <3 that being said, i do hope you get better Smile And do not stop looking for a solution!

Some quit due to slow progress. Never grasping the fact the fact that slow progress... progress.

Never give up!
Guide me waking. Guard me sleeping.
Guide me drifting. Guard me dreaming.

Shadow of #TeamForum
Ok guys , I do not know if this have been done and if it has , please tell me.

If either it hasn't been done or I get no replies on this , I will try and start a GoFundMe for this.

For me , Justin gave us everything he had and now I feel it's my turn to do something. Heart

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