Dec 7, 2014, 01:32 AM (This post was last modified: Dec 7, 2014, 01:34 AM by KamiPain75.)
Hey guys i just finished ORAS and I heard from different sites that Greninja with Gunk shot is pretty OP , so this is true? because i have a greninja but its a timid one and I really prefer use him as Spattaker instead of ATK. But I want to know your Opinions about this New meta game for this pokemon. If it is better or worst, how would you train his EVs and what Nature is the best for him now?
I personally feel that greninja is a glass cannon and should have 252Spe 252 SPatk 4hp with life orb Timid nature, but that is how I used him, I am just getting to know how people are playing ORAS competitively but so far nothing has changed except new megas and some new pokemon strategies I've seen using Lopunny as a "after you" set up, personally I did not know that greninja could get Gunk shot in this game because he didn't have it in XY
Dec 7, 2014, 03:17 AM (This post was last modified: Dec 7, 2014, 03:18 AM by evilsabre.)
The reason gunk shot makes him op is that it means there is now no single type (as far as i'm aware) that can wall a greninja regardless of his set. This means he is similar to M-lucaria who could be special or physical you basically had to sack a pokemon to find out what set it is. Greninja while not being that bad is certainly close now + given his high base att mixed sets are now appearing here or there so you have to bear that in mind as well.
So its not really the move that breaks him but the potential it gives him as it adds a lot of viability onto a physical set as well as making mixed sets stronger.
As for whats best for him it now, it depends on your team you just customize greninja to fill the gap on your team and cover your weaknesses so whatever set does that best is likely to be the best otherwise if your building around him do whatever your want to do
Timid 252 spa Greninja gunk shot 88-105% [25% chance to ohko] on 244 HP Azumarill (belly drum ev's). So you would have to invest ev's in attack to ohko every time
Dec 7, 2014, 05:08 PM (This post was last modified: Dec 7, 2014, 05:09 PM by evilsabre.)
swap the nature out to hasty though and you can get this 0 Atk Life Orb Protean Greninja Gunk Shot vs. 92 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 390-460 (107.1 - 126.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO.
less defense but its not like your expecting to use greninja as a wall
It's true, Gunk Shot Greninja is pretty darn good. You can use Naive or Hasty nature, it really doesn't matter too much. Greninja doesn't live much anyways so it's your choice on which defense you wanna drop. The set thats being used in single tourneys right now is:
252 SPE, 211 SPA, 45 ATK. The ATK is important so you can one shot Max HP assault vest Azumarill with GS, which is common in the singles meta game. I don't know how viable he will be in VGC considering he really can't take a hit, but who knows.