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breeding projects
You, good sir, are a gentlemen and a scholar. Thank you so much.
@PhantomBravo could I ask you to breed me a Skorupi with a Careful nature and IVs in HP, ATK, DEF, SP.D, AND SPD? And if possible with the Sniper ability.

I actualy posted a thread with breeding requests i guess you havent seen it but since your offering could you possibly breed me a careful nature phantump with its HA harvest and the ivs of HP ATTACK DEFENSE SPECIAL DEFENSE AND SPEED
@TheLastStaravia yea i can see what i can do. @Eugenio yea i can get that done for you. @CSquared1025 i try to keep up with the forums when i hop on so i must have looked over yours. However, i believe i can get you that phantump for you though.
Thank you!
Your number one flying-type trainer!
@Fattus_Rattus ok i got the articuno for you ready, although he cant learn scald so i just substituted it with water pulse.. do with it what you will lol. Trade me whenever you see me online.
Thanks for the eevee
could you breed me a adamant anorith with its hidden ability 5 ivs leaving attack ty
@shang228 I will put it on the list
Can you breed a Roselia with the Hidden Ability Leaf Guard, Modest, and 5ivs minus Attack? When your done, you can get a hold of me easier through the Private Messages.

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