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[GIVEAWAY] Shiny Yveltal /Shiny Xerneas giveaway...[closed]
Hi! My friend code is on the left; I would like the yveltal please. Thank you! Smile
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
Added you! was hoping to get a shiny Xerneas if they are still available. Thank you!
Added you @Blazedanfaded88 
I would like a Shiny Xerneas if they are still avalable please and thank you
I have you added @Blazedanfaded88  , I would like to get a shiny yveltal please !! thanks  :D
We are already friends I believe Smile I will take either one, but prefer a shiny Xerneas

Thx so much :D  Rep headed your way!
I just added you. I would love to get a Xerneas if possible! Smile

FC: 4141-3416-6769
Just added  you  would i be able to get a shiny yveltal please :D  thanks heaps

my code is 3540-0677-1433
I've added you. Can I have a Shiny Xerneas please

My IGN and Friend Code is on the left

Thank you very much for doing this
Hi, just added you shiny Yveltal please Smile
Hi, i'll take a shiny yvetal please.
Info on the left, i've added you
Thanks in advance :D

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