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[GIVEAWAY] Any pokemon you want
i recently completed my pokedex so if you need anything just ask (note i will not be giving away special pokemon) I do have 2 or more of some pokemon so just ask. First come first serve.
Noteable pokemon:
shiny magikarp, shiny absol, shiny kabutops, pokerus piplup, shiny tyranitar, shiny haxorus, and shiny regirock

Also note I wll only accept the first five offers
need a growlithe and a bulbasaur
please and thankyou
I'd take a shiny absol. :o
also noticed the shiny kabutops pm me if available
Shiny Haxorus please :]
I would love the shiny tyranitar.
I would adore the regirock
Can I please have the Piplup, if it's still available? As for a regular Pokemon, do you have a Porygon-Z?
If possible I want Salamanca and or feraligtor
@Lost_gaurdian I appreciate it bro. Good lookin' out!

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