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[GIVEAWAY] [CLOSED] Free Shiny Pokemon
Could I please have the shiny Smeargle? Is it nicknamable?
@ForestEmerald Sure, but she can't be nicknamed since I got her from someone else. Could you give me a time for when you're available to trade?
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
Thank you OP!
Hi, can I get the Shiny legendary :O
If you don't mind, I would like to clone a few of them for future giveaway! (with your name credit of course)
And if you would like, we need an event planner for our team :D
Would you like to join us? :D
Actually, is it okay if can have the Porygon-2? I didn't see it earlier. Are you able to trade it with a Dubious Disk?
@TehBestCloner The only legendary I have left is Cresselia. If you wait a little bit for me to update the list, I've got a few more legendaries you can take a look at. But if you're fine with the Cresselia, let me know when you'd like to trade. Also, what would you need me to do as an event planner?

@ForestEmerald Sure, it'll just take me a bit to get the Dubious Disk if you don't mind waiting.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
(May 1, 2016, 10:58 PM)Excalibur0126 Wrote: @TehBestCloner The only legendary I have left is Cresselia. If you're fine with that, let me know when you'd like to trade. Also, what would you need me to do as an event planner?

@ForestEmerald Sure, it'll just take me a bit to get the Dubious Disk if you don't mind waiting.
Planning on giveaways, events, and lots more but for now, mainly giveaways ^^
and please! I would love the Crescelia!
@Excalibur0126 can I have a shiny charizard? I'va already added your friend code
No problem, thanks for this. :-)
@TehBestCloner Can you give me a time for when you'll be able to trade? You can add my friend code to the left.

@Boomer_Nova Sure, can you let me know when you'll be available to trade?
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.

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