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[FRIEND SAFARI] Looking for Players for Friend Safari
Hey everyone! I'm new to the site  and i'm looking for some friends to add to my friend safari to shiny hunt. 
I don't currently know what my friend safari pokemon are  but i do know its a psychic safari type , if you could help me out and let me know the pokemon inside, it would be much appreciated!

My Friend Code is 1048-9798-8763
 Just leave a reply letting me you know you added me so i can add you

Thanks in advance Smile
Hey my friend code is: 4227-5454-5202
Added you both.  My FC is on the left.
Added you all FC is 0189-9531-7580
Alright,I've added you all, or at least a few minutes from now, and I'll PM each of you once I know what all 3 of your FS Pokemon are. Friend code is 5257-9954-3760, and in case you wanted to know, I have a Poison safari with Kakuna, Swalot, and Whirlipede if you're interested.

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