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[GIVEAWAY] Happy 4th of July! [Closed]
Pokemon Requested: Braviary
Pokemon Deposited: Scyther
Level: 1
Gender: Male
IGN: Alli
GTS Message: USA!

Pokemon Requested: Volcarona and Braviary
Pokemon Deposited: Charmander
Level: 1
Gender: Male
IGN: Kritwnas
GTS Message: USA!
thanks in advance mate
:D :D
Pokemon requested: Braviary
Pokemon deposited: Riolu
Gender: Male
Level: 1
IGN: Kim
Message: USA!

Could we please try again?
Pokemon requested: Braviary
Pokemon deposited: Timburr
Level: 18
Gender: Male
Message: USA!
IGN: Muzz

Pokemon Deposited: Both
Level: 1
Gender: doesnt matter
IGN: Mike
GTS Message: USA!
I would like a Volcarona!
Pokemon deposit: Snorlax
Level: 15
Gender: male
Message: USA!
Great giveaway! Can I request both?
Pokemon requested: Volcanora
Pokemon Deposited: Azurill
Level: 7
Gender: Female
IGN: Roan
Message: USA!
@Julio Cesar Andino Coello sent!
@halllo sure: reserved
@TZKey sent!
@allipants sent!: Braviary
@kritwnas99 Sorry, I am not going through all those Charmander's. Deposit something else.
@ForestEmerald sent! enjoy!
@michaelm291 sent! Enjoy the Bird!
@snder82 I can't really give them to you unless you deposit a specific pkmn in the GTS
@Tomatoman1 Sent!
@Drygear829 Yeah sure; I said both b.c. I'm not entirely sure how popular they can be so...Anyway I sent it to ya
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
(Jul 3, 2016, 08:38 PM)nightburstpkmn Wrote: @Pattyback11 yeah we can arrange a trade; add my first friend code.

P.S. Your Cryogonal is sniped -_-

ok ok cool I can do it today anytime.. Hey I a put cryAgonal back up (I have it). I wa doing a twitch giveaway
To help take Everyone a True Pokemon Master!!! That is my misson
FC:2122-9982-9277. IGN pat
Same as before...

want braviary

deposited Cryagonal 

level 40
Ign pat

message USA
To help take Everyone a True Pokemon Master!!! That is my misson
FC:2122-9982-9277. IGN pat

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