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6 Pokemon to give
Hey everyone!!! Can you believe it's been 6 months in 2 days since I joined this amazing community?!  It feels like yesterday that I started here and got to know this place... Wow we have come far!!! 

BUT... I want to give back to the Commuinity here so for this next 4 days, I will be doing a random drawing for people to see who wins... 

There are going to be 6 Pokemon from 1 being the best to 5 which is a good one.

here are the Pokemon I will be giving away

5-  a uncommon Pokemon

4- A starter in an egg

3- a BR Pokemon 

2-2 Shiny BR Pokemon...

to enter enter comment down below saying !6Give

and I will be drawing every 15 people... Good luck
To help take Everyone a True Pokemon Master!!! That is my misson
FC:2122-9982-9277. IGN pat
!6Give   :P
!6Give  :D :D
!6Give  :D
!6Give Smile
Can you h*ck me a Ditto?

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