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Team Building Assistance - Trick Room
What's up guys?

Just wanted to peek my head up from in front of my Threeds (3DS :P) And ask you guys to take a look at a team I'm thinking about for VGC.
It seems to me that everyone is looking at Trick Room myself included. Interestingly enough I haven't seen much talk about Mega Slowbro for a TR team.

So here is what I have for my team so far. Keep in mind this is EXTREMELY preliminary as I have done no IV EV or Training of any kind for this team.
It's open to suggestions and replacements. Thanks again in advance for your input and help!  Smile

Ferrothorn - Leftovers
Thunder Wave
Leech Seet
Gyro Ball

Slowbro - Slobronite
Calm Mind
Sleep Talk

Ability - Prankster
Trick Room
Light Screen

Trick Room
Skill Swap
Heal Bell
After You

Slack Off

Number 6 TBD (Considering Azumarril)

Like I said any constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks again in advance for your help!
1st question is why rest instead of slack off? Slack off you don't stay asleep having to use moves like sleep talk that are up to chance to work or not. I prefer Toxic instead of Twave on him because lol take note. TR flips the stats so those slower than you go before you. If the whole team is Twaved they are now slower than you and go first as if no TR was around. I personally would prefer something to bulk and can attack somewhat well instead of another TRer in Armoatisse because Whismicott isn't hanging around they are there to status and are out. Armoatisse being there incase of a threat to whismicott. You don't want to be reduced into so many status pokemon like you have here because taunt and now they can only use their one attacking move before they get KOed.
(Dec 17, 2014, 10:01 AM)IceyGamer Wrote: 1st question is why rest instead of slack off? Slack off you don't stay asleep having to use moves like sleep talk that are up to chance to work or not.  I prefer Toxic instead of Twave on him because lol take note. TR flips the stats so those slower than you go before you. If the whole team is Twaved they are now slower than you and go first as if no TR was around. I personally would prefer something to bulk and can attack somewhat well instead of another TRer in Armoatisse because Whismicott isn't hanging around they are there to status and are out. Armoatisse being there incase of a threat to whismicott. You don't want to be reduced into so many status pokemon like you have here because taunt and now they can only use their one attacking move before they get KOed.

GAH that didn't even occur to me about Thunder Wave /facepalm. As far as bulk, what about swapping in Reuiniculus to replace Aromatisse?
Thanks for the input!
(Dec 17, 2014, 10:08 AM)Antilio Wrote: GAH that didn't even occur to me about Thunder Wave /facepalm. As far as bulk, what about swapping in Reuiniculus to replace Aromatisse?
Thanks for the input!

I really like Reuniclus for TR because it can set up as well as support the team at the same time. Another fantastic thing about it is say you VS an all physical team but your EVs are dedicated to majority SP.Def or your pokemon used Sp.Def and doesn't have the best defense, Wonder room can flip the stats between defense and sp.def for five turns and while you do that you just boost SP.def back with Calm mind. then when you are ready to attack, Go for it! Np

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