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[DISCUSSION] Pokemon Sun & Moon News Thread (Will Contain Pre-Launch Spoilers)
@"Squeab" @ChaseInfinity 

The japanese trailer shows the character without a hat or glasses. Guess we aren't limited after all

"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites." - Karen of the John Elite 4
September 20th Pokemon Sun and Moon News

After about around since the release, I'm going to sorta "review" all the news and relevant information regarding the latest Pokemon Sun and Moon information drop from both the International and Japanese trailers. There's like four major topics to discuss here: the new "version-exclusive" Alolan Pokemon, an in-depth look at the returning Trainer Customization, the re-branded successor of Amie in Pokemon Refresher, and the two new Z-move exclusives for the series icons Pikachu and Eevee! The final sections will be regarding "other news" that was dropped the same day, such the Pokemon Bank Update, and the Tournament Structure for the Play Pokemon! scene, which also indirectly hints at a familiar format. Well I'm going to head straight into it. 

New Version Exclusive Pokemon

[Image: passimian.png]
The Teamwork Pokemon: Passimian
Type: Fighting
Height: 6'07"
Weight: 185.5 lbs
Abilities: Receiver
Passimian is the newest pure Fighting-type Pokemon revealed exclusive to Pokemon Sun, and has brand new ability to showcased. The description TCPi released regarding Passimian is they tend to work together in groups, often using Berries, and coordinate attacks when searching for food. The ability is "Receiver", as its a new exclusive multi platform ability (not singles), which allows the user to "inherit", or hence the name receive the ability of an ally Pokemon. Based on comparisons to Passimian and Oranguru (will get into later), Passimian seems more offensive than the two primates. The only thing to say about Passimian is that its one of the "speculated" leaked Pokemon as a couple leaks mention about a Rugby-like Pokemon. . Not much to say about Passimian, as it found in Pokemon Sun, and has a rather interesting ability which I wonder how VGC players will make do with it. 
[Image: oranguru.png]
The Sage Pokemon: Oranguru 
Type: Normal / Psychic
Height: 4'11''
Weight 167.6 lbs
Ability: Inner Focus / Telepathy
Oranguru is the Normal/Psychic-type for Pokemon Moon exclusive, which seems to mirror its counterpart Passimian with support-like qualities, and features an interesting new signature move. From the released information, Oranguru is said to live in deep in the forest, but they do have a tendency to assist both Pokemon and people via providing food or medicine (might hints towards a "support" route). The abilities for Oranguru aren't new as Inner Focus prevents any form of "flinching", while Telepathy prevents any damage done from an ally (useful when using multi spread moves). If anything, Oranguru's new move in Instruct is perhaps one of the more potentially viable support moves released. Basically what this allows Oranguru to do is "instruct", or make any certain target, or ally move again using the same attack "immediately afterward". I won't explain my full thoughts here about this Pokemon, but here's a link to a post which does so
[Image: lycanroc_midday_form.png]
The Wolf Pokemon: Lycanroc (Midday Form)
Type: Rock
Height: 2'07"
Weight: 55.1 lbs
Abilities: Keen Eye / Sand Rush

The next Pokemon revealed officially is the "Midday Form" evolution of Rockruff: Lycanroc. In order to get this form of Lycanroc, the player must have Pokemon Sun and I'd assume evolve Rockruff at a certain time during the day to achieve its Midday Form. This Pokemon said to be rather "speedy" and is loyal to its trainer. The abilities aren't new, but Sand Rush easily stands out between the two as its allows Lycanroc Midday form to double its speed during a sandstorm. The last notable trait regarding Lycanroc Midday form is its has exclusive access to an new Rock-type priority move in Accelerock. 
[Image: lycanroc_midnight_form.png]

The Wolf Pokemon: Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Type: Rock
Height: 3'07"
Weight: 55.1 lbs
Abilities: Keen Eye / Vital Spirit
The other form difference of Lycanroc is the "Midnight Form", and only be found (likely evolved in Moon). Like its "midday form", Lycanroc must evolve during the night hours and have the evolution based in Pokemon Moon. The information regarding the Lycanroc Midnight form is mostly that these Pokemon tend to seek out thrilling battles, and may sometimes disobey their trainers to do so. Both abilties are rather old, but Vital Spirit stands out for preventing the user from sleep status. Now the only info given regarding Lycanroc's Midnight form is mostly it learns counter and is rather "durable". 

Trainer Customization Features

[Image: 21.jpg][Image: 23.jpg]
It seems that Trainer Customization returns to in full force as it was during Pokemon XY. As usual, the player can change their clothing, hairstyle, eye color, and even have the option to not wear a hat. Aside from far more options to choice from, it seems like players can now wear different dye, or colors of the same clothing, which is an great forward having personalized characters. There was one little thing I catch notice is players don't have to use their in-game Poke Dollars (or Yen), rather a new currency called "Festival Coins". Again not sure exactly players will be able to exchange or get Festival Coins, but I'm sure glad we don't have to spend in-game money to buy cloths.

Pokemon Refresh

[Image: CszK7SHXgAAsfe7.jpg]
 Seems like Pokemon "Amie" will be returning in a brand new successor called Pokemon Refresh. The basic gist of Pokemon Refresh is similar to its predessor as the player "cares" for their Pokemon with touch screen based mini-games. Some of the old features have returned such as "petting" Pokemon, feeding them food (in this case Poke Beans), cleaning them of dirt, and partaking in various other player-pokemon interactions. It seems like an feature has been added into Pokemon Refresh as the players are able to "cure" their Pokemon of status ailments outside of battle. So far, the only status conditions that are cured during Pokemon Refresh are poison and paralysis, thought we don't know if we actually using the "in-game" items like Antidotes/Paralze Heal/Full Heal, or this is completely separate. One last returning feature to Pokemon Refresh is now that more times any Pokemon is used, or cared for during performing these mini-game task, the more likely there are to avoid attacks, or take a seemingly strong hit which would have OHKOed (in-game focus band). 

Two New Exclusives Z-Move Revealed

[Image: pikachuz3.jpg][Image: eeveez2.jpg]

Two new Pokemon Exclusive Z-Moves are showcased in the trailer, with both Pokemon being Pikachu and Eevee respectively. The Z-Move for Pikachu is called Castastropika, which is "claimed" to be Pikachu's strongest attack. The animation for Casastropika is rather funny, as the trainer "hugs" Pikachu, and then suddenly throws Pikachu high into the air, and charges enough electrical energy to perform the attack. Eevee's Z-Move is called Extreme Evoboost and works differently than the other Z-Moves shown. During the animation, all 8 Eeveelutions bestow Eevee with enough energy to raise all its stats by +2 (except evasion). The only notable thing to consider is not all Z-Moves will be "direct attacks", as Extreme Evoboost is a strong setup option. Wonder if other Pokemon will have similar non damaging Z-Moves, but with strong "status" like effects. 

Other Important News
Some of these topics have been covered, but I'll briefly discuss these topics and link the the appropriate pages as well.
Pokemon Bank: Seems like Pokemon Bank will have a delay in service for transferring any Pokemon from Gen 3 to the concurrent Gen 6 games straight into Sun and Moon. The reasons they are taking time to make the update is mostly TCPi wants Pokemon Bank to 1) successfully be able to transfer Gen 1 Pokemon from the VC games, 2) add new features in Pokemon Bank, and 3) to prepare for the service demand similar to how Bank took long to re-release back in early 2014. Most of the info I've discussed here for those who have questions, as well as the official Pokemon Bank Page

Ultra Beasts: So far, we only get the image where UB-02 Expansion, or Beauty attack Tapo Koko, not much to discuss. 

VGC Circuit Info: I might make this a separate topic to discuss considering the Tournament Structure for VGC 17 has been released. In the page, the do mention the next VGC 17 ruleset will be based on Pokemon Sun and Moon with the format change occurring aroung December 1st.  This kinda indirectly hints towards VGC 17 being similar to VGC 11 and 14, though we don't know what "Alolan" Dex Pokemon are found Sun/Moon before postgame / Bank.

The next information reveal will be next month at October 4th, at around 6:00 AM  Pacific / 9:00 AM EST / 10:00 PM JST. If the information is bare bones, probably won't cover it, but we'll see.
Starter Evolutions Revealed! and Ash-Greninja! Which I personally think should be [user]-Greninja, but that is just me. Dartix is bae, and I hate you if you say otherwise.

"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites." - Karen of the John Elite 4
Yea this release definitely turned me away from rowlet, gonna do litten or popplio now, but caNT WAIT FOR THE DEMO!!!!
Found a shiny? Talk about it here!!
Well I know this isn't comp. talk at all, but thank goodness we don't have Megas in VGC 17. Like Pokemon figured after three years of Mega Kang that this was a good battling format? Well took them long enough. I mean... Megas can be allowed, just that game freak has to curb their strengths.

Anyways not sure about the timer thing as it seems like it benefits a certain strategy not really fond of, but whatever.
omg so freaking hyped right now cant wait for demo Smile
Team Litten all the way! :D
Dartix looks like a darn hipster
(Oct 4, 2016, 07:28 AM)Black117 Wrote: Well I know this isn't comp. talk at all, but thank goodness we don't have Megas in VGC 17. Like Pokemon figured after three years of Mega Kang that this was a good battling format? Well took them long enough. I mean... Megas can be allowed, just that game freak has to curb their strengths.

Kang wasn't that dominating in VGC 16. Besides, z-moves will be hella strong, and there are chances one moves is stronger than the others, meaning it willl be the same thing that some megas being more played than the others. guess we will see
October 4th News

Starter Evos, Festival Plaza, Poke Peligo, Global Link features, Return of Megas, and news of an upcoming demo this 18th of October. This news post might be dry and shorter than usual, but lets dive right in.

1st Stage Starter Evos

[Image: dartrix.png]
The Blade Quill Pokemon: Dartrix
Type: Grass/Flying
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 35.3 lbs.
Ability: Overgrown

[Image: torracat.png]
The Fire Cat Pokemon: Torracat
Type: Fire
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 55.1 lbs.
Ability: Blaze
[Image: brionne.png]
The Pop Star Pokemon: Brionne
Type: Water
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 38.6 lbs
Ability: Torrent
We finally got the 1st stage evos of then Alolan starters after about 4 and a half months since the original unveiling. To start off traditionally, Rowlet evolves into the new Grass/Flying-Pokemon, Dartrix, which is a more "sharper" looking version that cares for its own looks and snobby. Litten's evolution is the new Fire-type, Torra Cat, a "bulkier" version of the kitten, but with a bell-like organ at its neck to control Fire-type moves. Finally Popplio's evolution, Brionne is a pure Water-type who is shown to be a hard worker, expressive, and loves t dance. All three starter Pokemon will retain their respective abilities: Overgrown, Blaze, and Torrent. 

New Connection Feature: Festival Plaza
[Image: 11.jpg]
There's a new connection-based feature called the "Festival Plaza" where players gather to battle, trade, shop, and interact with each others in multiple mini-games. Looks PSS is "replaced" by the Festival Plaza, which is also kinda an enhanced version of Join Avenue from Black and White 2. Based on first impressions, "trades & battles" occur in the Festival Plaza, do not sure if this is a specific in-game spot to do so, or we can trade "outside" as is. While not a specific feature, various NPCs will roam around Festival Plaza asking for "shopping" locations players can refer them to. Once the player recommends a spot, the NPC gives them "Festival Coins". Festival Coins are a new monetary, or money to spend for shops whether they are for training facilities (Level Ups / EV Training) for Pokemon, or clothes/dye shops to customize their characters. The more the player ranks up their Festival Plaza, the more Festival Coins they'll receive as well as more prizes. Finally Festival Plaza hosts new mini-games, or missions to complete either in-game, or online.

Poke Peligo

[Image: 17.jpg]
In Pokemon Su/Mo, there's a new feature called Poke Peligo which looks as if "boxed" Pokemon might finally get "use" after all via interacting in various mini-games. As the player sends more Pokemon in Poke Peligo, new features will come up as well as new "islets" to explore and develop. As of right now, here are the following islets based on Serebii
  •  Isle Abeens: An isle which features the use of Poke Beams to lure "wild pokemon", and possibly capture them if more Pokemon are around the area.
  • Isle Alphun: An isle where players can use their Pokemon to find items like the Evolutionary Stones.
  • Isle Evelup: An isle where players can level up or EV train their Pokemon with special "drinks".
  • Isle [Unknown]: Though we don't know the exact name, this isle is essentially where players can grow their berries and have their boxed Pokemon monitor them.

Other Miscellaneous News

Some of this stuff is rather interesting, but not as important / "engaging" compared to the rest of the news showcased. Most of the other news mentioned today is purely "confirmation" of features we were probably hinted at throughout most news sites, and this thread. For now lets look at some of these options:  
  • Major Pokemon Global Link News: Rated Battle now has four specific features: Singles, Doubles, "Special" (themed battles), and the new "Champion" Battles. First two are kinda self explanitory, Special Battle is usually "theme" based competitions TCPi ogranizes every "season", and the last one is essentially an official "ladder" for the VGC Circuit, which is extremely welcomed news. Players may now "rent" battle teams using the QR codes system and can be used for Rated Battles. Players are now also able to "publicly" share teams using QR codes from the Global Link, and register these Pokemon in their Battle Box. This new features goes as far as to allow the player to user these rental teams even on link battles, a huge step TCPi is making quite honestly. Finally the Global Link will host a number of online-based "Global Missions", time-focused events where if accomplished, players may earn prizes. 
  • VGC 17 Ruleset: We've known for about awhile now the new ruleset will base itself on the new Pokemon Su/Mo games, however never got official confirmation (aside hints), until now. I'll explain these rules in a separate thread in-depth with some other users, but for now, here's the following to know: 1) Double Battle format limited to Alolan Dex, 2) Most Legend / Mythicals / Event-based Pokemon are banned. 3) Mega Stones are not allowed (No Megas),  3) Pokemon from Su/Mo "born" only, and not other previous gens, and finally 4) New "Timer-Based" system for Rated Battle, and for VGC called "Your Time". (Will Explain Later On)
  • Megas Return: Seems like Mega Evolution will return in the game to settle the debate once and for all. While some were displeased of Mega Evolutions in battling formats, it seems like TCPi and Game Freak have considered them centralizing or powerful to the point they've banned them in the new VGC format. Whether or not this was the exact reason remains to be known. Not sure what other battling formats like Smogon will do like maybe make a separate non-Mega tier? That remains to be seen. 
  • Pokemon Su/Mo Demo: We are indeed going to get the Pokemon Su/Mo Demo released at the Nintendo eShop on the 18th of October. Not much else information is shown, but we do get to use a new form of a certain Pokemon
  • Ash-Greninja: The new Ash-Greninja form will be available on  the Pokemon Su/Mo Demo with the new ability Batte Bond which activates every time Greninja scores a KO. We don't know any further information regarding Ash-Greninja, but hits it has more effects. After the launch date, players can transfer their "Ash-Greninja" into the main games and have for personal use outside competitions. 

We'll be getting more Sun and Moon news around the 14th of October so cya all then!
October Corocoro Leaks

The latest edition of the Corocoro Magazine which unveils new Pokemon information every month has started to leak. As of right now, there's very little information "leaked", or confirmed regarding a couple new forms mentioned. Once most of the Pokemon fansites like Serebii confirm or gain more information, I'll say either its potentially real, or unconfirmed.

Alolan Grimer, Jangmo-O's Evolution, and Type: Null

[Image: Cujm267UMAAwI5J.jpg:large]
Funny enough, the only confirmed information for this edition as I type this out is the existence of an Alolan Grimer with the Poison / Dark-typing. Based on design, Grimar takes an new green slim similar to its Shiny form, and it seems like it has a couple teeth now. The Poison / Dark-type is rather defensive being only weak to Ground-type hits, unless Alolan Grimar gets a new ability which changes this. Actually that's all the "confirmed" info I have to share, as Serebii and the other news sites have yet to confirm other info. Will leave the unconfirm infromation here for now, until we get more scans.
"Unconfirmed but from Same Source"
  • Jangmo-O's Evolution is a Dragon / Fighting-type.
  • Type: Null can change types based on the items it holds. Final Evolution is called Shiruvadi (シルヴァディ)
  • UPDATE (1): Shiruvadi has a new Ability called "AR System" which allows it to change types based on the items is carrying. Not sure will this be a similar to the elemental plates, or there's more info we obviously don't know about. 
  • UPDATE (2): Jangmo-O has goes through two evolutions and apparently both are revealed in this issue of Corocoro.
  • Source: Serebii

Alright if there's any more information, post it down below so we can all see. Eventually if I have time will edit the post for incoming new info.

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