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[FOR TRADE] Breedjects for Breedjects!
Hi guy! I have these 5IV breedjects:

HA slowpokes bold (dusk ball)
HA/reg Eevee timid/jolly/modest/adamant(+others) (luxury balls)
HA Dratini adamant/jolly (beast ball)
HA/Reg Mareanie sassy/impish w/ stockpile haze
HA vulpix timid freezedry moonblast encore hypnosis (luxury ball)
HA magby timid/modest
HA Bagon jolly/adamant Dragon dance hydro pump twister (beast ball)
HA Fletchling jolly
Swinub adamant/jolly icicle crash stealthrock freezedry
Jangmo-o adamant/jolly/timid/modest
Beldum adamant/jolly (beast ball)
Mudbrae impish
Staryu timid
Horsea modest
Sneasel Jolly
Gibble Jolly w iron head outrage
Wingull impish/adamant
Dewpider brave
Pichu modest w/wish nasty plot
Minior adamant/jolly (quick ball)
Cubone adamant w/ iron head (dusk ball)
Mimikyu jolly/adamant w/ destiny bond, curse
Cutiefly timid shield dust w/ moonblast, absorb (luxury ball)
Grimer impish w/shadown sneak
Proygon trace/download modest/timid 4 EM
Sandshrew HA/reg adamant slush rush w/ icicle crash metal claw
Snorunt timid/jolly w/ spikes
Roggenrola Adamant w/ wide guiard
Drampa Modest Sap Sipper
Rockruff admant vital spirit
Wimpod adamant w/ aqua jet wideguard spikes

if you dont mind 3 or 4 iv's I have MOST of the above in 3 and 4 ivs as well.

and these non 5 iv
Togepi w/ nasty plot(3-4ivs)

I am mostly looking for other breedjects and EM mons, HP fire magnemite, defensive natures for growlithe

im interested in the dewpider, Togepi w/ nasty plot, and Sneasel
i have these to offer

5iv Jolly Mimikyu(Destiny Bond,Curse)

5iv Adamant Wimpod(Wide Guard ,Spikes,Aqua Jet)

5iv Adamant Stamina Mudbray(Double edge,Magnitide,Close Combat)

5iv Adamant Slush Rush(HA) or snow cloak Alolan sandshrew

5iv Adamant Minior

5iv Adamant Dhelmise

5iv Timid Snow Warning or Snow cloak Alolan Vulpix (Freeze-dry,Moonblast,Encore)

5iv Adamant Lightning rod or rock head Cubone(Iron Head)

5iv Jolly Steadfast(HA) or Keen Eye Rockruff( Sucker Punch,Fire Fang,Thunder Fang)

Regenerator(HA) Mareanie 

Galvanize(HA) geodude (wide Guard,Rock Climb,Curse,Magnet Rise)

Overcoat(HA) Jangmo-o

Harvest(HA) Exeggcute (leaf storm)

Contrary(HA) Fomantis

Battle Armor(HA) Cubone
@gatx105x im interested in the HA Evee Preferably Female , Togepi w/ nasty plot, and Adamant Dratini
i have these to offer.

5iv Modest Drampa
5iv Careful Dewpider Water Bubble
5iv Modest Lapras Water Absorb (Dragon Pulse,and Freeze Dry)
5iv Careful Chikorita
5iv Adamant Stufful Klutz
5iv Adamant Rockhead 
5iv Impish Mareanie Regenerator or Limber
5iv Adamant Wimpod (Spikes,Wide Guard,Aqua Jet)
5iv Adamant Litten(Crunch,Body Slam,and Nasty Plot)
5iv Adamant Sandshrew Slush Rush
@gatx105x Staryu, Sneasel, and Horsea got my attention. Offers are in my Trade Centre.
(Dec 9, 2016, 04:53 PM)gatx105x Wrote: Hi guy! I have these 5IV breedjects: 

HA slowpokes bold
HA Dratini adamant/jolly
HA Eevee timid
Mudbrae impish
Staryu timid
Horsea modest
Sneasel Jolly
Gibble Jolly
wingull impish/adamant
dewpider brave
Pichu modest w/wish 

and these non 5 iv
Togepi w/ nasty plot(3-4ivs)

I am mostly looking for other breedjects
Something i would really like is a regenerator mareanie if you have one, thanks!

could I have a Impish mudbray? I have a HA mareanie!
@gatx105x im interested in the HA Slowpoke and Togepi
@R2LSD2 Im interested in Rockruff, Wimpod and HA Exeggcute
@freshikki Im interested in Wimpod, Litten and Lapras

I can offer the Following

Pokeball: Beast Ball
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Galvanize (HA)
Egg Moves:
~ Wide Guard
~ Rock Climb
~ Curse
~ Magnet Rise

Pokeball: Net Ball
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Water Absorb (HA)
Egg Moves:
~ Aurora Beam
~ Stockpile
~ Spit Up

Pokeball: Net Ball
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Hyper Cutter

Pokeball: Ultra Ball
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
Egg Moves:
~ Double Kick
~ Burn Up
~ Flare Blitz

Pokeball: Beast Ball
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Slush Rush (HA)
Egg Moves:
~ Night Slash
~ Amnesia
~ Icicle Crash
~ Icicle Spear

Pokeball: Dive Ball
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Swift Swim

Pokeball: Love Ball
Nature: Modest
Ability: Sweet Veil (HA)
Egg Moves:
~ Speed Swap
~ Bestow
~ Moonblast
~ Baton Pass

Pokeball: Ultra Ball
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Marvel Scale (HA)
Egg Moves:
~ Dragon Rush
~ Dragon Dance

Pokeball: Regular Pokeball
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Inner Focus
Egg Moves:
~ Fake Out
~ Icicle Crash
~ Throat Chop
~ Feint

Pokeball: Love Ball
Nature: Timid
Ability: Anticipation (HA)
Egg Moves:
~ Synchronoise
~ Stored Power
~ Wish
~ Yawn

Pokeball: Premier Ball
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Lightning Rod
Egg Moves:
~ Ancient Power
~ Skull Bash
~ Iron Head
~ Perish Song

Pokeball: Premier Ball
Nature: Timid
Ability: Snow Warning (HA)
Egg Moves:
~ Encore
~ Agility
~ Moonblast
~ Freeze-Dry
3DS Friend Code: 1994-2119-6025
SuMo IGN - Moon
Interested in impish mudbray and hidden ability adamant dratini

For Trade: Go to google docs to see trade list

i will trade for cutiefly,dewpider,and Sneasel
bump hi guys, I updated the list FT on the front page!
Interested in the slowpoke specifically. Do any of the following catch your eye?

[Image: mimikyu.gif]
Love Ball
Ability: Disguise
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
- Curse
- Nightmare
- Destiny Bond
- Grudge

[Image: magikarp.gif]
Premier Ball
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31

[Image: vulpix-alola.gif]
Premier Ball
Ability: Snow Warning
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31

[Image: 123.gif]
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
IVs: a variety of imperfect 5IV spreads
-Vacuum Wave
-Quick Attack
-Night Slash

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