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Shiny silvally giveaway [CLOSED]
Im giving away 1 box of shiny silvallys with a fire set up. Fully iv and ev trained. 

Since there will only be 30 of them, its first come first served.

you must deposit a pyukumuku in the gts 

copy and paste this form to enter

Trade Message:
No time to obtain a Pikachu until much later, fingers crossed this is still running.
hey, thanks for the giveaway!

Ign: Armin
Pikachu's lvl: 3
Pikachu's gender: female
Trade Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
Pikachu's lvl: 7
Pikachu's gender: Female
Ign: William
Trade Message: I want to fill my Pokedex

Thanks in advance for the giveaway!
Ign: Jay
Pikachu's lvl: 39
Pikachu's gender: Female
Trade Message: I want to fill my pokedex

@Bionotics enjoy
@tikrit enjoy that silvally man
@thinkingbee sent fam
@Wilancer1 have fun
@jonboii go hard son

note: changing the pokemon i want in return to pyukumuku
(Jan 11, 2017, 06:12 AM)LowlyGod Wrote: Ign: Jon
Pikachu's lvl: 7
Pikachu's gender: Female
Trade Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.
IGN: Danny
Deposited: Pyukumuku (Male) Lv. 1
Trade Message: "I want to trade for a Pokémon that will help me with my adventure"
@LowlyGod I don't know the level of Silvally, so I requested "Any" at GTS... I hope to not be sniped because that was the only Pyukumuku that I have ;~;
Thanks for the giveaway Smile

Ign: Syndra
Pokemon: Pyukumuku
Lvl: 1
Gender: Male
Trade Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.

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