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[POWERSAVES] Offering Pokegen services
im looking for a female escacalier w/ hidden ability overcoat, moveset of megahorn, iron head, knock off, and drill run, evs and ivs dont matter, i have pretty much any item u want
Could you gen me a 6IV foreign ditto please?
Preferably Adamant or Modest if you can.
Shininess does not matter.
(Jan 2, 2015, 04:05 PM)dribson Wrote: Could you gen me a 6IV foreign ditto please?
Preferably Adamant or Modest if you can.
Shininess does not matter.

Have over 500 BP now to exchange for battle items
Hidden ability poliwag ( swift swim)
(Jan 2, 2015, 05:18 PM)ImAWizrd Wrote:
(Jan 2, 2015, 09:06 AM)dominickdej01 Wrote: hey can i get hidden abilities turtwig,piplup,chimchar,charmander,squirtle,bulbasaur with all prefeable 6ivs all 6 pokemon female aswll
i will give
flame plate,zap plate,icicle plate,toxic plate,splash plate

3 mega stones and 5 plates for 6 6iv pokemon with hidden abilities if you can do that
ign Dominick
and my friend code is to the left

No longer accepting mega stones, sorry!

can i give you 6 plates for the six plates for the 6 pokemon i have no need for them since i dont have arcues?
lucky egg + iron plate for shiny darkrai 6IV and meloetta?
is it possible if you can gen a body slam jirachi?
(Jan 2, 2015, 06:09 PM)justus4all Wrote: lucky egg + iron plate for shiny darkrai 6IV and meloetta?

Not accepting lucky eggs! I am accepting arceus plates until I have a complete set, at which point I'll go back to battle items only. Will do this when I am back on sunday!
for the 6 pokemon i will give you
Choice band
Expert belt
Rocky helmet
Quick claw
iife orb
shell bell
and my plates
Mind plate
Earth plate
Sky plate
Flame plate
zap plate
icicle plate
Toxic plate
insect plate
iron plate
pixie plate
Splash plate
those are all my plates pick whatever you like for all 6 it would really help me out finding the hidden abilities for these pokemon is very important to me
Can I please have a 6 Iv ditto with a brave nature thanks so much please reply

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