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[GIVEAWAY] Shinies for ALL! (Update)
I'm here.

What are your FCs and IGNs?
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)
(Mar 2, 2017, 02:43 AM)Zhakien Wrote: @jetevander 
I'm here.

What are your FCs and IGNs?

You have my ign and my gf fc already  :D
ign ares ( mine )
and patricia(my gf, her phone have some issues now and it's serviced so she cant go online)
I'm ready to get my request for riolu.

FC: 1650 - 6089 - 6589
IGN: Lewin

@Zhakien  We're ready to trade  :D
I'm pretty sure I'm seeing yours already added, but I don't think she's added my FC yet.

I won't be able to find her if she hasn't added me yet.

FC: 2853-2227-1831 

Adding you now.
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)

thanks for the riolu^^....
@Zhakien  okay she added you, her fc is 0233-2976-9500 ign patricia
I'm online now and can trade you yours, but I can't trade hers to her until she adds my FC.
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)
@Zhakien your fc is added at her ds :D
(Mar 2, 2017, 02:55 AM)jetevander Wrote: @Zhakien  okay she added you, her fc is 0233-2976-9500 ign patricia

Ok, got ya both. Coming back online now.
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)

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