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[SHOP OPEN] HA Outlet: The Premier Hidden Ability Shop! ~ New FC!! For Returning Customers ~
(May 24, 2017, 12:30 AM)wartty Wrote: @Corrosion2424 you forgot pyukumuku D:

oh right ... let me connect again
@wartty thanks for those HAs
@Corrosion2424 Thank you for sigilyph!! :D I have a list somewhere but I think I've only got like 2 left now till I've got even HA Pokemon xD take care ~
@wartty  Of course, I'll be waiting for it. And it could have timid nature? I don't want to be so demanding Undecided
@Adridia actually had a chikorita with HP fire so it didn't take nearly as long as I thought :} your timid HP Fire chlorophyll Bublasaurs almost ready ~
@wartty Oh, I'm also interested in Chikorita. What would you want  for it, any item in particular?
@Adridia Lol well generally I've been accepting the apricornball in exchange for 3 Pokemon if there's any others your interested in? ive got 99% of the HA pokemon, or I accept a rare candy for 1.
 Anyways the bulbasaurs ready to trade for the ability capsule ~

Also @Cambwalker111 Did you still need that charmander?
@wartty if u need any pokes/items i can help PM here or in the discord Smile
@wartty  I'm connected for the trade, just tell me when you are ready. About the Ha I can give you  an Apricorn ball, do you have an HA Darumaka and Snivy?
@Adridia lol of course btw I love you for requesting an HA darmanitan :D I wish you the best of luck trying to find a use for him <3 do you have all your apricornballs left?
@Jirachi lol boy am I gonna have to think about that one xP

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