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I'll be on now and for the next 10 hrs but if your unavailable now I'll be on tomorrow around12:30
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
I think I missed you again  Huh so hopefully I can catch you tomorrow!
KK I'll be on around 12:30 Big Grin
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
(Aug 7, 2017, 05:33 AM)Sharkfang2193 Wrote: KK I'll be on around 12:30 Big Grin

Maybe missed you again? Not sure? I don't know if you meant 12:30AM or 12:30PM for your timezone, but I might go sleep soon anyway Sad I stayed up all night & was planning on trying to stay up all day to fix my schedule but I don't think that's going to happen..
(Aug 7, 2017, 11:42 AM)evilcackles Wrote:
(Aug 7, 2017, 05:33 AM)Sharkfang2193 Wrote: KK I'll be on around 12:30 Big Grin

Maybe missed you again? Not sure? I don't know if you meant 12:30AM or 12:30PM for your timezone, but I might go sleep soon anyway Sad I stayed up all night & was planning on trying to stay up all day to fix my schedule but I don't think that's going to happen..
yeah sorry about that I'm available now if you are
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
so i got a bunch of dreamballs.
[quote='Iamknownasmartin' pid='246382' dateline='1502142570']
so i got a bunch of dreamballs.
I see allot that interest me but unfortunately i don't have any new or rare apriball mons that i could even trade to get them Sad
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
(Aug 7, 2017, 06:46 PM)Sharkfang2193 Wrote:
(Aug 7, 2017, 02:49 PM)Iamknownasmartin Wrote: so i got a bunch of dreamballs.
I see allot that interest me but unfortunately i don't have any new or rare apriball mons that i could even trade to get them Sad

I'll be interested in BP Items soon enough Smile that or something idk
@Sharkfang2193 which 1s are you interested in? My list isn't currently up to date on here (& even if I don't have the 1s you're looking for rn I'm willing to try & make a trade for them - either with Martin or someone else later on) Heart Also, I doubt you're around right now but hopefully I'll be able to catch you in the morning (my schedule is so bad rn I'm sorry)
@Iamknownasmartin Are you still interested in DreamB/Aprimon Pokemon?

Some of the 1s I have that aren't currently marked off for you are: DreamB HA Pidgey, DreamB HA Ekans, DreamB HA Nidoran, DreamB HA Venonat, DreamB HA A-Meowth, DreamB HA Bellsprout, DreamB HA Tentacool, DreamB Gastly, DreamB HA Cubone, DreamB HA Horsea, DreamB HA Staryu, DreamB HA Taurus, DreamB HA Kabuto, DreamB HA Igglybuff, DreamB HA Feebas, DreamB Duskull, DreamB HA Absol, DreamB HA Shinx, DreamB HA Shieldon, DreamB Cherubi, DreamB HA Drifloon, DreamB HA Bronzor, DreamB HA Roggenrola, DreamB HA Sawk, DreamB HA Tirtouga, DreamB HA Solosis

I'll check for other ball types I might have that you need later & post it in a new comment

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