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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
@moo311 Sorry didn't know it was midday only. Can I have Machamp with Egg move without master ball? Will the Hulk still be green?  Tongue Also if it's not too much trouble could I change Lycanroc's ability to "No guard", Pokeball to that Cherish Ball? Also I meant Fire Fang! So sorry for mix up! Just let me know if you can't. Really I'd accept a Timid Lycanroc if were shiny :m

Hey! I'm ready for Noivern!

Requesting: Noivern
Depositing: lv. 1 Exeggcute (M)
IGN: Kial
MSG: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thanks as always!
Deposited:  Exeggcute
Level:  1
Gender:  Male
Requested:  Oddish #1
@Mr-Soybean Enjoy Smile Also, a cherish ball lycanroc can't be shiny. So, I put fire fang on it and instead of accelerock, I put stone edge. So, did you want the lycanroc to be timid or adamant?
@Schuenemann Enjoy Smile
(Aug 23, 2017, 08:46 AM)moo311 Wrote: @Mr-Soybean Enjoy Smile Also, a cherish ball lycanroc can't be shiny. So, I put fire fang on it and instead of accelerock, I put stone edge. So, did you want the lycanroc to be timid or adamant?
@Schuenemann Enjoy Smile

Adamant Lycanroc please I was just joking around  Wink

I would really like a shiny Lycanroc I just thought since No guard lycanroc came in cherish ball it had to stick with it. Luxury Ball and if I can't have shiny Lycanroc with No Guard then Vital Spirit would do just fine  Blush
@moo311 Hey! I'm ready for Conkeldurr!

Requesting: Conkeldurr
Depositing: lv. 1 Exeggcute (M)
IGN: Kial
MSG: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thanks as always!

Hello again!  I've got another request for you; just one for now.

Pokemon : Klefki
Shiny : Yes
Gender : Female
Nickname : Lucky Line
Level : 100 (Hatched at Lv. 1 at Lost Hotel in Kalos, XY)
Nature : Bold
Item : Master Ball
Ability : Prankster
Pokerus : Yes but cured
Pokeball : Ultra Ball
OT (Optional) : Masterlock
Region of Pokemon (Optional) : ENG
Ribbons (Optional) : Battle Tree Master Ribbon
IVS : 31 HP / 30 ATK / 31 DEF / 30 SP.ATK / 31 SP.DEF / 30 SPEED (for HP Fire); afterwards, use Bottle Caps to max everything
EVS : 196 HP / 208 DEF / 104 SP.DEF
Moves :
- Dazzling Gleam
- Hidden Power
- Thunder Wave
- Spikes
Relearn Moves (Optional) :
- Lock-On
- Iron Defense
- Thief
- Switcheroo

Let me know if there's anything wrong with the gen.  Thanks! :D
@moo311 exeggcute female lvl 40 names Eggs
Item:flame orb
Ability:flash fire 
Region of Pokemon (Optional):any
EVS:max special atk and special def
Moves:flash cannon, magma storm,flamethrower, earth power
@moo311 Oh awesome thank you so much idk why I didn't get the alert x3
Deposited: Exeggcute
Gender: Male Lv: 1
Requesting: Lucario
IGN: wartty
Thank you again ~ and what were the levels of tentacool and shuppet? Been too long don't wanna waste a request xP
@Mr-Soybean Enjoy Smile
@framor93 Enjoy Smile
@wartty Enjoy Smile Both Shuppet and Tentacool are lv 91
Hey! I'm ready for the Hulk!

Requesting: Machamp
Depositing: lv. 1 Exeggcute (M)
IGN: Kial
MSG: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thanks as always!

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