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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
@Mr-Soybean Enjoy Smile
@InsaneStepzz Enjoy Smile
Hey! I'm ready for Shadow!

Requesting: Lycanroc
Depositing: lv. 1 Exeggcute (F)
IGN: Kial
MSG: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thanks as always!
@Mr-Soybean Enjoy Smile
Mool ~ xD lol not my best, thank you so I was smart enough to make them all the same group
Deposited: Exeggcute
Gender: Female Lv: 1
Requesting: shuppet
IGN: wartty
Will be depositing in like 5 mins just thought I'd throw this down ~
@wartty Enjoy Smile
@moo311 Hey! Here are my new requests! (L)

Pokemon: Dusknoir
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Male
Level: 100
Nature: Adamant
Item: Choice Band
Ability: Frisk
Pokerus: No
Region of Pokemon (Optional): French
Pokeball: Dusk Ball
IVS: Max All
EVS: Max Atk, Max HP and rest in Def.
Moves: Shadow Sneak, Earthquake, Ice Punch and Trick.
OT (Optional): Art

Pokemon: Sylveon
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Female
Level: 100
Nature: Bold
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Pixilate
Pokerus: No
Region of Pokemon (Optional): ENG
Pokeball: Master Ball
IVS: Max all but 0 Atk
EVS: Max Def, Max HP and rest in Sp.Def
Moves: Skill Swap, Hyper Voice, Helping Hand and Reflect.
OT (Optional): Henry

Pokemon: Goodra
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Female
Level: 100
Nature: Impish
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Sap Sipper
Pokerus: No
Region of Pokemon (Optional): Spanish
Pokeball: Beast Ball
IVS: Max All but 0 Sp.Atk
EVS: Max Hp, Max Def and rest in Sp.Def
Moves: Dragon Tail, Earthquake, Curse and Rest.
OT (Optional): Monte

Pokemon: Drifblim
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Male
Nickname: Air Balloon
Level: 100
Nature: Modest
Item: Flame Orb
Ability: Flare Boost
Pokerus: Yes
Region of Pokemon (Optional): Spanish
Pokeball: Master Ball
IVS: Max All but 0 Atk
EVS: Max Hp, Max Sp.Atk and rest in Speed.
Moves: Tailwind, Ominous Wind, Charge Beam and Weather Ball.
OT (Optional): Monte

Thanks as always!
Ok ill be online at 4:00
Damn moo good x3 
Deposited: Exeggcute
Gender: Male Lv: 1
Requesting: GranbulliGN: wartty
Deposited:  Exeggcute
Level:  1
Gender:  Male
Requested:  Oddish #2
@moo311 thanks  Smile
Pokemon deposited exeggcute female lvl 42 named Eggs

Nickname:Mew 3
Item:bright powder
Region of Pokemon (Optional):any
EVS:max speed and max defence 

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