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[GIVEAWAY] Legendary pokemon
Hi again mste1602,

would it be possible to ask for some more pokemon?

Requests: JPN Diancie (non-shiny), JPN Marshadow, shiny Tornadus, shiny Thundurus, shiny Virizion, shiny Cobalion, shiny Phione, shiny Azelf, shiny Uxie, shiny Mesprit, shiny Regirock, shiny Regice, shiny Registeel and shiny Tapu Koko event. 
FC: 3583-3561-3106 (already friends)
IGN: Xandre
Timezone: CET
Game to receive the pokemon: Ultrasun (Gen 7)

Thanks in advance!

P.S: I can trade tomorrow from 7pm to 8pm your time (CDT).
@Centes when next? sorry school hit me. @xanperi ok, I'll try to be on
Good evening @mste1602 ,

I'm online at the moment, and ready for link-trade.
Not really just when i finnaly found you online on this tread you log-off.
Instead of replying to me if i really should stay the whole evening again waiting for my trade for week long while i am missing a on other stuffs. 
When should i get my Shiny mew, and other eeveelutions?
What time can i finnaly get to meet you?
You know you and that other moo guy should shove all of those mons op your...
@Sun Juan uh... wow ok. other eeveelutions? I can do more eevees but you would have had to evolve them. I'm sorry I have other life but ok... if that's your actual attitude towards this I'm not sure I should keep trying for you and focus on others with more patience and understanding....
Thank you @mste1602 for this amazing giveaway. You are so awesome!!!

The mons you gave me are a great addition to my full Shiny dex. 

Thank you so much for giving to the community :-)
I can be on all day long but with the time difference I think it would be best to do that around 7 or 8 pm (UTC + 2)
Hey, could I possibly get an english Marshadow when you have the time? I can trade basically anytime on Sunday, or 5pm-9pm your time during the work week. Whatever works for you. My friend code is 0361-7956-4509. Thanks.

Amazing giveaway, hope I didn't post too late. I'd love a shiny meloetta and shiny diancie. My FC is: 2294-6821-1414. If you give me a time, I'll make sure I'm available. Thanks!
@Centes @GhostCroc @Hanachu sorry, school has kept me away. you guys going to be back on at any specific time?
@mste1602 I can be on 7pm your time tomorrow if that works for you?

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