Poll: What mega should my next VGC15 team use
Mega Gardevoir
Mega Garchomp
Mega Mawille
Mega Absol
Mega Lucario
Mega Blaziken
Mega Lopunny
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[ORAS] New teams Mega
Hey guys i'm kinda stuck on what mega to use for my next team so i figured i'd just ask you guys in order to narrow down the options or choose for me since i'll probably try all of these pokes eventually.

Otherwise the thread likely to be me discussing how to run the mega etc so to not drag other threads off topic Smile

note: you can vote for more than 1 :D
Winning a Pokemon battle is not so much about being a step ahead of your opponent but rather being 2 steps behind them
For me mega pokes don't do a lot, I did like mega sableye though as a set-up with Moonlight, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp and Confuse Ray.

If you can get it with prankster so you can use your confuse ray first, then hit a will-o-wisp and knock off while using moonlight to heal up inbetween.

Sableye gets a ability that lets it reflect any status attacks back.

Sableye is the best set-up pokemon when used like this.
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:29 AM)Ozzy Wrote: For me mega pokes don't do a lot, I did like mega sableye though as a set-up with Moonlight, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp and Confuse Ray.

If you can get it with prankster so you can use your confuse ray first, then hit a will-o-wisp and knock off while using moonlight to heal up inbetween.

Sableye gets a ability that lets it reflect any status attacks back.

Sableye is the best set-up pokemon when used like this.

I've just dropped the options to the megas i most like i also think mega sableeye is a pretty bad choice in VGC since he offers less than regular sableeye and i would always use recover over moonlight more pp and not weather influenced :P
Winning a Pokemon battle is not so much about being a step ahead of your opponent but rather being 2 steps behind them
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:32 AM)evilsabre Wrote:
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:29 AM)Ozzy Wrote: For me mega pokes don't do a lot, I did like mega sableye though as a set-up with Moonlight, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp and Confuse Ray.

If you can get it with prankster so you can use your confuse ray first, then hit a will-o-wisp and knock off while using moonlight to heal up inbetween.

Sableye gets a ability that lets it reflect any status attacks back.

Sableye is the best set-up pokemon when used like this.

I've just dropped the options to the megas i most like i also think mega sableeye is a pretty bad choice in VGC since he offers less than regular sableeye and i would always use recover over moonlight more pp and not weather influenced :P

Well when you put it like that, also im only just getting into competitive so im new to this, use gardevoir then! kappa
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:34 AM)Ozzy Wrote:
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:32 AM)evilsabre Wrote:
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:29 AM)Ozzy Wrote: For me mega pokes don't do a lot, I did like mega sableye though as a set-up with Moonlight, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp and Confuse Ray.

If you can get it with prankster so you can use your confuse ray first, then hit a will-o-wisp and knock off while using moonlight to heal up inbetween.

Sableye gets a ability that lets it reflect any status attacks back.

Sableye is the best set-up pokemon when used like this.

I've just dropped the options to the megas i most like i also think mega sableeye is a pretty bad choice in VGC since he offers less than regular sableeye and i would always use recover over moonlight more pp and not weather influenced :P

Well when you put it like that, also im only just getting into competitive so im new to this, use gardevoir then!  kappa

Only reason i say i don't thinks he's that good is i ran into a Mega sableeye with recover, will-o-wisp, calm mind and snarl a nasty set to be sure but unfortunately my milotic could out sustain and out damage him thanks to competitive and scald being able to burn him.

but yea megas are huge tbh since they have insane power and free an item up for another pokemon since on most offensive megas you get a life orb or bigger boost but no recoil thus letting you life orb a different pokemon :P
Winning a Pokemon battle is not so much about being a step ahead of your opponent but rather being 2 steps behind them
I really want you to use M Lucario, just because I like his design :P

only problem is all the earthquake users
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:38 AM)evilsabre Wrote:
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:34 AM)Ozzy Wrote:
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:32 AM)evilsabre Wrote:
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:29 AM)Ozzy Wrote: For me mega pokes don't do a lot, I did like mega sableye though as a set-up with Moonlight, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp and Confuse Ray.

If you can get it with prankster so you can use your confuse ray first, then hit a will-o-wisp and knock off while using moonlight to heal up inbetween.

Sableye gets a ability that lets it reflect any status attacks back.

Sableye is the best set-up pokemon when used like this.

I've just dropped the options to the megas i most like i also think mega sableeye is a pretty bad choice in VGC since he offers less than regular sableeye and i would always use recover over moonlight more pp and not weather influenced :P

Well when you put it like that, also im only just getting into competitive so im new to this, use gardevoir then!  kappa

Only reason i say i don't thinks he's that good is i ran into a Mega sableeye with recover, will-o-wisp, calm mind and snarl a nasty set to be sure but unfortunately my milotic could out sustain and out damage him thanks to competitive and scald being able to burn him.

but yea megas are huge tbh since they have insane power and free an item up for another pokemon since on most offensive megas you get a life orb or bigger boost but no recoil thus letting you life orb a different pokemon :P

But I suppose if the sableye had prankster and confuse ray it could have confused first, idk, give it a try on battle spot, I have a spare sable if yo wanna try it!
True dat, i mean if you get the lucario set up with 1 nasty plot it tears through the enemy team
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:43 AM)Ozzy Wrote:
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:38 AM)evilsabre Wrote:
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:34 AM)Ozzy Wrote:
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:32 AM)evilsabre Wrote:
(Jan 11, 2015, 05:29 AM)Ozzy Wrote: For me mega pokes don't do a lot, I did like mega sableye though as a set-up with Moonlight, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp and Confuse Ray.

If you can get it with prankster so you can use your confuse ray first, then hit a will-o-wisp and knock off while using moonlight to heal up inbetween.

Sableye gets a ability that lets it reflect any status attacks back.

Sableye is the best set-up pokemon when used like this.

I've just dropped the options to the megas i most like i also think mega sableeye is a pretty bad choice in VGC since he offers less than regular sableeye and i would always use recover over moonlight more pp and not weather influenced :P

Well when you put it like that, also im only just getting into competitive so im new to this, use gardevoir then!  kappa

Only reason i say i don't thinks he's that good is i ran into a Mega sableeye with recover, will-o-wisp, calm mind and snarl a nasty set to be sure but unfortunately my milotic could out sustain and out damage him thanks to competitive and scald being able to burn him.

but yea megas are huge tbh since they have insane power and free an item up for another pokemon since on most offensive megas you get a life orb or bigger boost but no recoil thus letting you life orb a different pokemon :P

But I suppose if the sableye had prankster and confuse ray it could have confused first, idk, give it a try on battle spot, I have a spare sable if yo wanna try it!

nah i already have 2 1 for the mega and 1 for as a regular prankster user :P
Winning a Pokemon battle is not so much about being a step ahead of your opponent but rather being 2 steps behind them
@Shifu IKR but he's so frail that getting one off with Landorus-T and other earthquake users around is going to be a hard thing to do

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