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[POWERSAVES] Shiny pokemon made with powersaves
A- ign mikky, 1306 6311 4174
B- pidgeot shiny :D
C- life orb if pos please xx

D- ty so much if u can help xx
IGN: Patrick
FC: 3024-5425-5443
Could you make my luxray shiny and give him perfect attack and special defense ivs
I would like to keep his nickname and move set. Thanks
friend code- 1435-6473-6156
IGN: Krysten
i would cry tears of happiness for a shiny female goomy!!!! if you can do this i would be so thankful
6IV-Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
Modest Nature
- Substitute
- Heat Wave
- Earth Power
- Protect

IGN Siqueira FC 3394-3612-0199
FC : 0232-9293-7361, IGN : Anthony

Ditto @ Leftovers
Neutral Nature
IVs : 30/30/30/30/30/30

Thank you very much man
IGN: Kyubi93
FC: 0533-7122-8964

I would love a shiny

If you want to give me one of this poke its ok
But a would really like all of this poke
ign roland
fc to the left
i would really like a perfect iv taloneflame with gale wings and and be holding a life orb

(''move set:brave bird u turn flareblitz and tailwind
Fc 408167439486
Ign griffin
IGN : Da BossMan
FC: On left
Wanted: Shiny Flygon @ Master Ball
Nature: Adamant
can it have crunch. it's a pre ev only move.
IGN: Ivan
FC should be on the left
Could I please get a shiny 6IV female Roserade caught with a friend ball with an ability capsule? :-)

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