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[TRADE] Updated Trade Shop!! LOOK INSIDE!
Hello I saw you needed adamant ambipom? I could give you one but I am of need of ether a shay in or a meloetta. Do you have ether one? They do not need to have any Ivs I just need them to complete the pokedex. Please let me know.
just pm me when you finish breeding my pokes.

Updated my looking for list, check the main post for updates!
Can you allow my shiny adamant aqua jet azumarril for your shiny togekiss
Sorry my azumarill does not have super power but it has huge power
IV Spread:
Hey! Do you by any chance still have your HA Pachirisu?

I haven't been breeding for long but I can offer (All legit bred in ORAS):

5IV Joltik (Timid)
5IV Sneasel (With 3 egg moves (Taunt/Fake Out/Ice Shard)) (Jolly)
5IV Chansey (With 2 egg moves (Heal Bell/Seismic Toss) (Bold)
5IV Pawniard (3 egg moves (Pusuit/Stealth Rock/Sucker Punch) (Adamant)
5IV Ralts (Modest)
5IV Tyrogue (1 egg move (Helping Hand)) (Naive)
5IV Litwick (Modest)
5IV Zubat (2 egg moves (Brave Bird/Defog) (Timid)
5IV Shellder (2 egg moves (Icicle Spear/Rock Blast)) (Adamant)
5IV Eevee (Timid)
5IV Aron's
5IV Gible (Jolly)
5IV Phanpy (1 egg move (Play Rough)) (Adamant)
5IV Bulbasaur
5IV Dratini (Jolly)
5IV Starmie (Timid)

(Currently breeding 5IV Calm Togepi's)
Also have a 6IV Aron, Several Pokemon's with Pokerus and 8 spare legendaries (Latios/Regigigas/2 pixies/3 dogs)
(Edit:Most of these I have multiple's of so if you want more than one I'm happy to do 1 way trades for fodder)

Also looking for:

Greninja /w protean
Blazekin /w Speed Boost
(May 16, 2015, 10:24 AM)Mwhahahaha28 Wrote: Hey! Do you by any chance still have your HA Pachirisu?

I haven't been breeding for long but I can offer (All legit bred in ORAS):

5IV Joltik (Timid)
5IV Sneasel (With 3 egg moves (Taunt/Fake Out/Ice Shard)) (Jolly)
5IV Chansey (With 2 egg moves (Heal Bell/Seismic Toss) (Bold)
5IV Pawniard (3 egg moves (Pusuit/Stealth Rock/Sucker Punch) (Adamant)
5IV Ralts (Modest)
5IV Tyrogue (1 egg move (Helping Hand)) (Naive)
5IV Litwick (Modest)
5IV Zubat (2 egg moves (Brave Bird/Defog) (Timid)
5IV Shellder (2 egg moves (Icicle Spear/Rock Blast)) (Adamant)
5IV Eevee (Timid)
5IV Aron's
5IV Gible (Jolly)
5IV Phanpy (1 egg move (Play Rough)) (Adamant)
5IV Bulbasaur
5IV Dratini (Jolly)
5IV Starmie (Timid)

(Currently breeding 5IV Calm Togepi's)
Also have a 6IV Aron, Several Pokemon's with Pokerus and 8 spare legendaries (Latios/Regigigas/2 pixies/3 dogs)
(Edit:Most of these I have multiple's of so if you want more than one I'm happy to do 1 way trades for fodder)

Also looking for:

Greninja /w protean
Blazekin /w Speed Boost

sorry but i am almost certain i traded away the pachirisu a long time ago!
(May 17, 2015, 04:38 AM)ashketchum116 Wrote:
Quote:sorry but i am almost certain i traded away the pachirisu a long time ago!
Ah okay no problem!
(Apr 20, 2015, 05:23 AM)AbruptFury Wrote:
(Apr 20, 2015, 05:19 AM)ashketchum116 Wrote: I'd gladly accept the HP Ice thundurus for it!

EDIT: also is there anything else that interests you for the aegislash and rotom -H?

I have duplicates of them. I can trade you them for fodder Smile

do you still have some HP ice Thundurus?

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