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farewell for now people!
Angel Angel hey guys i know that this is a meet and greet forum but for now i have to leave the jflynn community as there has been an earthquake and my house broke down a bit.i'll miss the community a lot!especially vietflame for being at my side.i'll be there for a few ore days but my wifi's gonna be down so i'll come back as ash's charizard stronger and better.until then i'm signing off
-adolf hipstar(raghav trivedi)

P.S.thanks a lot vietflame and i hope you see this.
See you around adolf. Sorry to hear about your house, I hope everything works out for you.
See around buddy, we'll be here when you get back
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Goodbye for now and I hope we see you soon amigo Smile
Sorry for your misfortune dude. We will keep you in our prayers. See you when you get back :D
[Insert signature here]
Sad to see you go... I hope everything works out for you (and your house). Keep faith! Until next time :D
Whoa, alright lol Hoping for you that everything works out positively for you.
dang man, Hope things get better :/

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