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[REQUEST] LF: HA female espurr/meowstic and scraggy/scrafty. Shinies in return
Hi guys I'm LF a female HA espurr or meowstic and scraggy or scrafty. Doesn't matter EVs or IVs.
I'll give one of thiese shinies in return:


Thanks Smile
I can breed an intimidate Scraggy for you really quick if you want.
I would appreciate that thanks. What shiny would you like?
Could I get steelix. It will be just a minute so I can get and hatch the egg. Gender matter for it too or no?
I can catch an Espurr for you.
Be sure to check out my Otaru Regional Fakedex.  Updating regularly with new Fakemon.  Always looking for feedback!
Female please and thank you
(Aug 10, 2015, 05:34 PM)sandragon13 Wrote: I can catch an Espurr for you.

Thank you. What shiny would you like in return?
Ok I have it. It has fake out also
You don't have to trade me a shiny unless you really don't mind. Vivillon and Fenniken are the most interesting to me.
Be sure to check out my Otaru Regional Fakedex.  Updating regularly with new Fakemon.  Always looking for feedback!
(Aug 10, 2015, 07:30 PM)sandragon13 Wrote: You don't have to trade me a shiny unless you really don't mind. Vivillon and Fenniken are the most interesting to me.

I don't mind. I'm ready whenever you are.

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