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New dude
Hey, I'm BlakBlanka, which is my Smash name, but my in game name (IGN) is Brandon. If you wanna play some Pokémon or Smash matches, my 3DS FC is 5000-5032-3581 and my NNID for the Wii U is omgbbg123. Hope to make new friends!! :D
WELCOME :D would love to play against you one day (if my internet doesn't suck :P)
What character do you main in smash I personally main Duck Hunt Duo
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Welcome to the site Smile
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     ༼ ◕_◕ ༽ Megumi is best Waifu ༼ ◕_◕ ༽
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Welcome aboard.
Be sure to check out my Otaru Regional Fakedex.  Updating regularly with new Fakemon.  Always looking for feedback!
Thank you! And Animekid, I main G&W.
Welcome to the site
Welcome !
To !!
The !!!
Forums !!!!
Would join you, sadly, I don't own that game :s
New to the Forum? Visit a 5IV Pokemon Giveaway here.

I am Breeder. Need help? Ask away!.

Welcome :]

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