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I want to build a team around weather and hazards with a balance of offense, defense, and speed. Can anyone help me? (BTW I'm new to the competitive Pokémon scene)
(Aug 25, 2015, 04:45 PM)Marcusube Wrote: Why Fire Spin over something like Overheat, Fire Blast, Flamethrower or even Heat Wave?

Fire spin and binding bands ability does crazy damage!
(Aug 25, 2015, 08:36 AM)Delta Wrote: Okay, lets go over a few things right now.

1. You will need a Rotom counter. Mega Sceptile is probably your best bet, especially if you switch it into a Thunderbolt and you get the +1 SpA boost from Lightningrod.

2. I didn't see if you wanted singles or doubles.

3. Bulky Arcanine is an absolute pain in the @$$ to take out. After a few Snarls, and Intimidate, and a Will-O-Whisp, Arcanine is extremely good. Just watch out for Milotic, and Wigglytuff, and Bisharp, and Defiant/Competitive in general.

4. If you are in  singles, a DD Gyardos is pretty strong. You will need 2-3 DD to sweep, but you can easily sweep a team with DD Gyardos. If you are in doubles, you will want a bulkier Gyardos, but don't count DD out. You can have Thunder Wave, Waterfall, Dragon Dance, and Ice Fang. You will need to be bulky for Gyardos to pull off a doubles DD, or have a redirect Pokemon. Clefairy would work.

I can make a team for you that uses both those Pokemon, and then I will PM you. I should probably mention, it will be a doubles team.
Yea if you could make one for me that would be great just pm me and let me know what you got.
I built a Mega Sceptile/ Gyarados team with Arcanine. It has Sceptile to draw attacks away with lightningrod, and do lots of damage. Gyarados to hit things with STAB waterfall. Talonflame for quick guard and taunt support, plus you can't beat priority brave bird. Mega Gardevoir for hyper voice. Milotic for speed control plus scald. Arcanine for a physical tank, with sitrus berry, impish nature, flare blitz, will o wisp, protect, extremespeed and close combat. works pretty well, but very weak to electric.
(Aug 26, 2015, 05:59 AM)Lucario3D Wrote:
(Aug 25, 2015, 04:45 PM)Marcusube Wrote: Why Fire Spin over something like Overheat, Fire Blast, Flamethrower or even Heat Wave?

Fire spin and binding bands ability does crazy damage!

The attacks I mentioned do more abrupt damage. VGC matches don't last very long plus Fire Spin wears off if you're forced to switch or Arcanine gets fainted
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