Oct 19, 2015, 06:40 PM (This post was last modified: Oct 19, 2015, 07:41 PM by Arctero.)
Could I have suicune and raikou please?
for suicune
Name: Patrick
Pokemon Deposited: Shellos (blue)
Gender of Pokemon: female
Level of Pokemon: 1
Message: Angel
I'll put another Shellos up once this one is traded.
EDIT: Second shellos has gone up
can i have snorlax? if no snorlax is available, can i have cofagreigus?
ign Ash
pkmn: wobbuffet
looking for:snorlax
gender: male
level: 28
message: Derp
The desired poke have been sended, who didn't get the one they wanted, pm me. I must now go to sleep, if you see the status ''OFFLINE'' to prevent that someone else is going to take it, do not post about poke you have deposited, only about the pokemon you want to see tommorow avvaible or in the future. Example: ''I would like a Br ready Gengar or a Dragonite in the list''. Also tommorow there will be a huge update with a poke that has the letter V. Goodnights.