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[DISCUSSION] Top 3 pokemon that should have Mega Evoultions!!
Haxorus! Am i the only one that could see this coming? [Image: mega_haxorus_by_dragonith-d8a4z2r.png]

Gliscor! I love Gliscor :p [Image: 66c7ab3b00e4cdf348053ab18174a56a-d7tiv4u.png]

And Swanna! Or Braviary, c'mon, these are the top birds! (in my opinion) [Image: megaswanna_by_midnitez_remix-d6hodg3.png] [Image: mega_braviary_by_coolshallow-d7r4whv.png]

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RE: Top 3 pokemon that should have Mega Evoultions!! - by Forest - Jan 20, 2016, 02:45 AM

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