Jan 24, 2016, 01:16 AM
(Jan 23, 2016, 12:17 PM)Joey0815 Wrote:(Jan 23, 2016, 09:41 AM)AurisxD Wrote: Hey can you clone my Shiny Mawile for my first giveaway? I would need about 30 clones. I can be online from 5PM to 11PM GMT+2, which for you is from 4PM to 10PM UTC +1/GMT +1. For modifying I would only need every clone to be holding Mawilite. Thanks in advance.
Sure no problem^^
(Jan 23, 2016, 09:03 AM)Swimmingpenguin791 Wrote: Can i have you clone my Raichus and Magikarps to 30. And change my Eeeveelutions stats way higher or a little higher (exceot my leafeon :D)
Yes i can :D
(Jan 23, 2016, 08:46 AM)TheBullet435 Wrote: Hey bro, can you turn the following pokemon shiny? I hope it's not too much trouble :]
May I also request to change the nature and IVs of the following pokemon:
Latios (Timid, 31/30/31/30/31/30, EVs reset to 0, if possible)
Landorus (Adamant, 31/31/31/X/31/31)
Please and thank you
If not, I understand :]
I can edit your latios and landorus but i don't Shinify pokis (look at my startpost)
(Jan 23, 2016, 07:14 AM)Breeder_Falkon Wrote: I got a Shiny Zekrom off the GTS yesterday. And am wondering if you can give it 31 IVs in Special Attack. Also holding a Master Ball if you can cuz I've run out xD Thanks :]
EDIT: I think I can reset EVs myself in Super Training so just need 31 IVs in Special Attack done :]
Yes no problem
I added you all btw^^
Apologies, I misread

I am going to add your FC so that we can trade at your earliest convenience