Mar 8, 2016, 05:46 AM
Quote:I have a Phione, Adamant, with fairly good stats and, as bred by moi, is legitimate. Let me know if you're interested; I have a couple of BR, mythical, legendary, and shiny Pokemon lying around as well. In return, just let me know what you still have. If I am tempted by one, I'll post a form.
Thank you!
To be honest, I can breed my own, but everything that is on the original post is still available. I update the post as I trade.
Quote:Yo, I'd like a Skrelp if you could! I can give you an Escadrille if you want since it's missing from your dex, but it ain't a competitive one. Is it ok?
Yeah, that would be a great trade. I'm not worried if dex entries are competitive or not.
Quote:Would you trade a Dragalge for an imperfect BR shiny magnemite?
Yeah, though a BR Magnemite sounds a bit funny. I would have to look at it before going through with the trade though.
I will be around tonight at and will check in during my break today.