I got a metagross!
If you have any of these pokemons I´ll b gladly to trade one for the metagross, and if you got more We can trade back to back :D
So these are the pokemons I need: Probopass,Delcatty, Crobat, Minun, Illumise, Roserade, Gulpin, Camerupt, Torkoal, Weezing, Zangoose, Solrock, Barboach, Baltoy, Anorith, igglybuff, Chingling, Dusknoir, Panphy, Rhyperior, Glalie, Spheal, Huntail, Gorebyss, Wynaut and Horsea.
If you have any of these pokemons I´ll b gladly to trade one for the metagross, and if you got more We can trade back to back :D
So these are the pokemons I need: Probopass,