May 26, 2016, 01:07 AM
This is a great guide @Lythania , and for people who don't use the listing of all the PGL items. I encourage anyone in the forums to collect Poke Miles so anyone can get a potentially unlimited supply of PP Ups, PP Max, Rare Berries, Rare Candies, Heart Scales, Trade Evolutions Items, and even a couple Master Balls if luck is on your side. Some of these items are fairly easily to get in game assuming one already has a competitive team already, but I'd personally stock up on those PP Ups/Maxs since there are a very limited number in the games. Some of the minigames are fairly simple except for going for rare items especially the Master Ball. Like I did over like 200+ sessions of Mine Cart Adventure before I finally got one. Still this is a great way to get these items before asking help.