Jul 5, 2016, 01:01 AM
(Jul 1, 2016, 08:11 AM)VoidThoughts Wrote: It's also possible to find pokemon with hidden abilities in horde battles in gen6 and very rarely in hidden grottos in B2/W2, if I'm remembering correctly. Unfortunately those don't have that many species of pokemon to catch and definitely no piplups. You're going to have to trade for one or pray that an event for one pops up again.Dreamworld has been shut down by NIntendo. If memory serves me right, you could get a HA pokemon by trading with N.
@ReaverMachete @wundrweapon You both mentioned dreamworld, but I could have sworn that nintendo shut down that service? Or am I dumb and there's some other way to access dreamworld for HA pokemon? I haven't played gen5 in ages and didn't touch dreamworld often, I honestly don't know. Thanks for an answer in advance.