Jul 30, 2016, 02:01 PM
(Jul 30, 2016, 02:00 PM)Jecht Wrote:No Problem! Glad i could help! ^^(Jul 30, 2016, 12:07 PM)MagicalMops Wrote:(Jul 30, 2016, 12:00 PM)Jecht Wrote:@Jecht If you're looking for 6IV dittos you should definetly check out Dassah's Ditto shop, and request a ditto. They're free, Dassah's giving them out of generousity i guess. However i dont believe they're legit, if that's an issue for you. However if not you should totally check it out. I've got my ditto under 24 hours. :D @MagicalMops I have already deposited my Pokemon into the GTsS but forgot it's gender so I couldn't post on Dassah's page. After I get home I will definitely post my request. Thank you for the help ^_^(Jul 30, 2016, 11:36 AM)Chawizawd Wrote: I've got some breedjects I want to put on the table as well. I Wonder Traded most away but I still have Snivy, EM Scyther, HA EM Dratini, Magikarp, HA Fletchling, Honedge, EM Omanyte, and EM Gible. Only 1-3 of each unfortunately because of the WT but still want to put them out there. Anybody interested? I love trading breedjects.
@Chawizawd unfortunately I don't have as many to trade. I'm just getting back into Pokemon. What I have to offer is leftover from my pokebank a from over a year ago. I still need to find a 6 IV ditto -_-