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[SUN/MOON] LunalaLand's Competitve Team Giveaway Service
I hope everyone enjoys their pokemon!!! Smile

Three people didn't show up online i still have your pokemon but you will have to either PM here or just catch me in the plaza when i'm online (also leave your In Game character name for Sun/Moon so i know who i am trading with) In the meantime the next Que will take prioirty, which are the following posters.

Cara Rahl

I will return tommorow to complete these request, i understand people have lives and things they need to do but if that's the case let me know beforehand as it's stressful to move on to the next Que without completeting the other one and as a result i lose enthusiasm to get to the absent reciepient (even though i will when i can).

Thank you everyone and have a good night!!!!!!! Heart Heart Heart

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RE: LunalaLand's Competitve Team Giveaway Service - by LunalaLand - Dec 1, 2016, 08:24 PM

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