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[DISCUSSION] What are some game mechanics you wish Game Freak would add
Well, here's a couple of things I want Game Freak to work on and at least perfect if they try these ideas. Will try to clarify on a few of these though some might be kinda "obvious".

  1. Fast EV Training: Similar to back how it was to Hoard Battles in XY ORAS, feel strongly this feature should be buffed to allow better entry point for new competitive players.
  2. "Easier" Encounter and Catch Rates for "same" Mon: OK this might sound redundant as hell especially when players have the Repeat Ball, but there's the Idea. Honestly, feel strongly that any Pokemon with a low encounter chance that have already been encounter before should be 100% much more easier to find again. This chance should be even greater if the player has already capture the Pokemon in-game, though at this point everyone reading this kinda figures this is exactly like the DexNav.
  3. Random Wild Pokemon with Egg Moves: This would be extremely funny and helpful for players who don't have the time to find Egg Moves on specific partners or from different Egg Groups. The point here is to for all wild Pokemon to have at least a 20% chance to find an Egg Move, and it can cap up to 3 Egg Moves and 1 Learnset for a wild Pokemon. 
  4. Wagering Money / Battle Points : Though game freak will probably won't re-introduced "gambling" again, I sure wish there's certain challenges done by NPCs who can potentially double the amount of Money or BP they have for completing a certain challenge. Back in Pokemon Emerald, there was an NPC who would double the amount of BP the player makes if they manage to complete a certain win streak at one of the battle facilities. Not as original but fun. 
  5. Challenge Mode: Ok I'm not talking about BW2's Challenge/Easy Mode system as it requires both games, but rather an "official" challenge mode of the main series game where players have to battle opponent who are progressive much difficult than previous. Maybe not to the scale of to as certain fan-games, but at least to have a notiable impact on the difficulty.
  6. "Change" the Pokeball of "your" Pokemon: This feature is similar to Nicknames, but I feel like players should be given the option to change the asthetics of the Poke Balls, if not change/transfer a mon directly from one ball to another. Maybe this service of sorts might cost a ton of income ($4999), but I feel it can bring customization to the Pokemon themselves. 
  7. Easier catch rates for legends: TBH, I don't get the idea why some of the strongest Pokemon (most are usually legends) have a pain in the *** time to catch. Honestly if a player has reduced the HP down to 1% and has a status condition, the chance to catch the Pokemon should be around 30-40% or so with all the modified catch rates.
  8. Fast In-Game Level Up Facility: Probably one of my most requested of all these ideas: Fast, IN-Game Level Up. Honestly it feels more of a grind (pun not intended) to raise a Pokemon's level in-game up to say level 100 or so. There should be something similar to O-Powers, except players actually gain a significant amount of Level gain until they reach a satifying level. 

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RE: What are some game mechanics you wish Game Freak would add - by Black117 - Dec 16, 2016, 05:19 PM

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