(Jan 11, 2017, 12:20 PM)Rockycombo Wrote: Short answer: You'd have to wait another turn to see if it heals with a Black Sludge, as the Call for Help happens at the very end of a round.
The progresson goes more or less like you laid out. First abilities are triggered, then switching, then mega evolution, then moves. Every move has its own priority on a scale of +5 to -7, with most being a neutral 0. You can find the priority info on Bulbapedia, Serebii, wherever you frequent. Then the after-move effects happen, with a new Pokemon coming in during Doubles or a Call for Help happening at the very end and hazards triggering on a new Pokemon coming in.
Thanks! So the new version would look something like this? (for those searching in the future):
Switching, (Hazards)
Mega Evolution (resolved in order of speed)
Moves (source Bulbapedia):
+5 Helping Hand
+4 Baneful Bunker, Detect, Endure, King's Shield, Magic Coat, Protect, Spiky Shield, Snatch
+3 Crafty Shield, Fake Out, Quick Guard, Wide Guard, Spotlight
+2 Ally Switch, Extreme Speed, Feint, First Impression, Follow Me, Rage Powder
+1 Accelerock, Aqua Jet, Baby-Doll Eyes, Bide, Bullet Punch, Ice Shard, Ion Deluge, Mach Punch, Powder, Quick Attack,
Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Vacuum Wave, Water Shuriken
0 All other moves
-1 Vital Throw
-2 None
-3 Beak Blast, Focus Punch, Shell Trap
-4 Avalanche, Revenge
-5 Counter, Mirror Coat
-6 Circle Throw, Dragon Tail, Roar, Whirlwind
-7 Trick Room, fleeing
End of Turn Items/Abilities/Effects (resolved in order of speed)