@Peridot3ds Thank you so much for continuring this :D Ive got a couple pokemon I wanted edited ~
Ive got a Kingler who needs perfect ivs adamant nature and the move knockoff in a Lure Ball
and a persian who also needs perfect ivs and a jolly nature, in a Level Ball
and ferrothorn wants Anticipation as its ability perfect ivs sassy nature, stealth rocks and leech seed, in a Dream/Pokeball
Plus a few others that can wait till later if you dont mind :3
Ive got a Kingler who needs perfect ivs adamant nature and the move knockoff in a Lure Ball
and a persian who also needs perfect ivs and a jolly nature, in a Level Ball
and ferrothorn wants Anticipation as its ability perfect ivs sassy nature, stealth rocks and leech seed, in a Dream/Pokeball
Plus a few others that can wait till later if you dont mind :3