Jun 12, 2017, 06:46 AM
Hello, I'm interested in Morelull & Bruxish with their HA.
Also I wanted to ask, do you have an Almomola with HA?
Also it would be nice if they could be in a pokeball, duskball, ultraball or apricocoball.
I can offer Shinies or pokemon in rare balls. Tell me what you're interested in and I'll write you a list
Hello, I'm interested in Morelull & Bruxish with their HA.
Also I wanted to ask, do you have an Almomola with HA?
Also it would be nice if they could be in a pokeball, duskball, ultraball or apricocoball.
I can offer Shinies or pokemon in rare balls. Tell me what you're interested in and I'll write you a list