Jul 4, 2017, 02:44 PM
(Jul 3, 2017, 08:42 PM)moo311 Wrote: I closed the original to start fresh at page 1. That way, it would be easier to keep track.This is gonna be the same for ninetails and sandslash btw
1) You can ask for as many pokemon as you would like, but only 3 at a time.
2) This giveaway will be done by GTS so you should only ask for your pokemon once I post your name on the "Done" list.
3) This giveaway will be done by GTS so here's the basic format of asking for the pokemon.
Pokemon Deposited:
Level of deposited:
Gender of Deposited:
Pokemon requested:
4) We will only link trade if your pokemon cannot be traded over the gts, like if it is an event or is holding an untradable item such as megastones.
5) Please make sure that your pokemon is legal. If you want me to check, ask if it's legal in your request.
6) After 15 pages, I will close the thread, finish the pokemon, send the pokemon, and reopen it. Then, repeat the process every 15 pages.
7) Once this thread closes, go here http://pokemonforever.com/Thread-Redeem-your-pokemon. It will be open once the thread closes and will close after 30 days, roughly a month, so I can reopen this thread. If you don't claim your pokemon, it'll be deleted. You can still request pokemon though.
8) If you need something before a certain date, like for a battle or something like that, then don't hesitate to PM me as I will make sure you get your pokemon asap. Pm me the sets and a message saying " I have a battle on X/X/XXXX and I need these pokemon: ...,...,... Here are the sets......."However, if you decided to PM me a request because you just want it, I will ignore you.
Here's the basic format for requesting pokemon.
Region of Pokemon (Optional):
Relearn Moves (Optional):
OT (Optional):
Done List:
@element_x49 Lanturn, Mantine, and Hitmonlee
@Keith_Kuruzu Buzzwole
@Aqua The Sightseeing Feminist Goodra and Shuckle
@memits14 Lucario and Sylveon
@Bongo Armaldo, Gliscor, and Crawdaunt
@Sjefsbaron Darkrai, Diancie, and Hoopa
@Arderico Groudon, Ho-oh, and Xerneas
@hsgcapoquian 3 Ditto
@R2LSD2 Lopunny, Gardevoir, and Gallade
@Darkpower Magearna, Muk, and Persian
@Theobroco 2 Arceus
@iimlF4nT4Sy Infernape
@LtLucario Sandslash and Ninetales
@Enrique154 Tyranitar, Exeggutor, and Weavile
If you find any errors feel free to PM me or write a post indicating the error.
Pokemon Deposited: Charmander
Level of Deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Male
Pokemon Requested: First Ninetails then Sandslash
Message:Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.